Thursday, January 31, 2013


The Source

The word  "el " we frequently read as a suffix (e.g. as in beth-el, "house of God"; or  Daniel, "judgement of God" ) is literally meant  "force", but personified to mean a " God. "  

The true  Eluhim (God)  is defined  " YHWH " ("JHVH"), which means  "He Causes to Exist";  and this  YHWH  is not a solid  or confined  one, but a  unifying one.

 " But  the YHWH  is the true  Eluhim ;  He is  Eluhim hayyim  (living God) and the everlasting King "                            -     Jeremiah 10:10              
     " ... YHWH  our  God,   YHWH   is  echad  (unifying one) "                  
                                                               - Deuteronomy 6:4              

Before the  Beginning   :        EL    (  FORCE  )                                          

 Before the beginning of time (age) of the first  'work'  there was only  the  FORCE  (' EL  ').  No   'work'   was done as this   FORCE   did not  move to  a length  of distance.

  (No work)    =     (Force)    x      (  no   distance   )                              

Then, when  did  'He'   cause  the existence  (of physical energy) ?            
            (work)      =      (Force)   x       (      distance     )                              

When this   FORCE   moves to a unit of length, work  is done  and time (age) begins.
      (  work )   =       (power)      x    ( time )                                          

 "I, wisdom,...
The LORD   created  me at the  beginning    of his   work,   the first of his  acts   of  old.   Ages ago  I was  set  up, at  the first, before the beginning  of the earth "       - Proverbs 8:12,22,23 (RSV)        

    How this  Force-which-causes-to-exist   begins  His   work ?     He  'breathes'.  This  'BREATH'   fragments   into zillion (equivalent to the number of all unified field master entities of the whole  Universe).  The velocity of this  breath's fragment at a length  of  r   (unified field master radius)  is   c  ( = 299 792 458  meters per second).   This radius  is equivalent  to 'velocity  c squared'    expended  in fastest  'acceleration' a .

    Zillion of those master entities (unified field entities)  are  continuously worked of the force-which-causes-the-existence  as  the said   FORCE  (EL)  continuously  'breathes'  or vibrates.

    Why the tenderic  radius and  internal tenderic velocity of each  'fragment'  of the said  Force's  breath  are  r  and  c, respectively, the obvious  perfect final  result  is the formation of rational  living organism (i.e. human being). A little change  to the  said internal (tenderic) radius r  or internal tenderic velocity c  will change  the  arrangement of subatomic, atomic, and molecular particles, resulting to different formations of substances not found  in our  present  world.

   "... the thoughts  of  man,... are but  a breath "  - Psalms 94:11 (RSV)
   "... it is  the spirit in a man, the breath  of the Almighty,  that makes  him understand "                                                     - Job 32:8   (RSV)          

   Since  CONSCIOUSNESS  is a continuous (detecting what is being replayed, playing back what is being 'detecting'-what-is-being-replayed,) detecting what is being replaying-what-is-being-'detecting'-what-is-being- replayed, then  the Ultimate Force-which-causes-to-exist  is Himself  conscious to Himself (before the beginning of time or of His  work) and conscious to his works (now that there is a physical creation).

    CONSCIOUSNESS  is a continuous 'touching' (stimulation) of formed 'force'-of-two-different-sources (i.e. 1:  an extra/foreign  source, which switches on, and 2: the multiple-source, which (being disturbed by the formed 'force,' and sends the EXPERIENCE/signal to multiple storing media)  exerts force from the storing media, replays what is being stored and sends its impulses/infos, directly or indirectly, back to the original site of STIMULATION, replays what are previously stored one at a time and/or SIMULTANEOUSLY  from various times/ages (e.g. a second ago, a minute ago, an hour ago, a day ago, a month ago, a year ago, and/or a decade ago), produces  'force'  or unified united forces from all those replays and then sends what are those simultaneously replayed back to the storage media, forming there a force) in the site of detector (e.g. sense organ).

Memory and Consciousness

   Evident in the hypnotic research done by Ernest Hilgard, part of consciousness  is  the memory (storing & playing back  of what has been stored) -involving the thalamus, hippocampus, amygdala, prefrontal, and apparently mammillary body and the elaborating cortical neurons.
    E. Hilgard told to the hypnotized volunteers that they would feel no pain  when submerging  their arm  in (an excruciating)  ice water, while  their  nonsubmerged hand  would signal the level of any hidden pain by pressing  a key.  The conscious part (that is, the recorded and replayed experienced) of those volunteers felt minimal or no pain at all; and when awaken, they were kept insisting that they had been free of sensing any pain. Yet at the same time on that experiment, their other hand ( outside the ice water) was, in fact, pressing  the key (i.e. signaling of pain). The unconscious mind was experiencing pain (as evidenced by pressing the key), whereas the conscious Mind was sensing no pain. Obviously, recollection of what has been sensed (experienced) is a part  of  consciousness.
   Without on-the-spot remembering that we have felt or sensed a particular stimulus, we cannot have that consciousness  -we will fall  to the  unconsciousness-  like to the mind  that was in charged in the said free hand. (read also  E. Hilgard. Divided consciousness: Multiple controls in human thought  and action  2nd ed. New York: Wiley copyright 1977/1986)
   Based on thousands of controlled laboratory and clinical research studies done, it is agreed upon by most researchers that hypnosis is effective  for the treatment of some medical and psychological problems  such as to reduce chronic pain, stress, anxiety, or nausea (of chemotherapy's adverse effect in cancer patients), and eliminate nail biting and smoking.
   To suffer in a pain while you are not remembering  that you are in suffering that pain  is an activity of hindering a consciousness to encounter that pain-signal. Apparently, neuronal traffic system in the thalamus has something to do with this separation of 'remembering'  and 'pain'.  Remembering  is an activity  of the thalamus' dorsomedial (DM) neurons, whereas fast-travelling-pain detection is of the thalamus' ventral posterolateral (VPL) and ventral posteromedial (VPM) neurons  and  slow-travelling-pain detection is of  the thalamic intralaminar (and other nuclei) neurons. The thalamic VPL/VPM  neurons transmit directly some pain-signals to the 2nd somatosensory area to be elaborated.

Human being  have a multiple of  consciousnesses (e.g. visual, auditory, tactile for touch, olfactory for smell, gustatory for taste, kinesthesia & vestibular for movements, vomeronasal apparently for attraction, and many more) to have a clear sensation of being whole and sensation of being separated from the surrounding. Each of these consciousnesses has a mental counterpart (optical eyes have a mental eye, physical ears have a mental ear, and so forth).  A lost of one consciousness (e.g. visual) will lost one part of  your self; a lost of another one (e.g. auditory/hearing consciousness), two part; of tactile (touch), three part; and a lost of all sensations will possibly lost 100% of your conscious self: Your mental eye (or imagination) can hardly control your arms, eye movements, legs, etc. because of no sensation of direction and no knowing of those organs except from the memory.

Try to cut all nerves of your major sense organs and find out how a detecting-less mental eye can know an existence; or try to minimize the receives stimulation of your ears, skin, muscles, bones, nasal, tongue, palate, and block your your eyes, and you will notice that you are losing your self awareness. The best example of having zero visual, almost zero auditory, tactile, and some other consciousnesses is the condition of being asleep. You are there, but you don't know where you are, what you are, what you're doing, and what is existence if you're dreamless-ly sleeping.  It will take time before you can control your arms, legs or body without knowing that you are controlling them.
   Mental eye (imagination)  is not enough to know whether you exist or not. Mental eye is a multiple replays of stored experiences as what a complicated computer can do. Detecting on self  of what is being replayed or what is replaying from the self is important to have a partial consciousness.

Consciousness has intensity. The lesser/fewer the receptors (where a consciousness exists),  the more blurred and the lesser-ly store the experience in the brain.  The greater the number of receptors, the more conscious that portion of the organ. This is also true with the amounts of stimulating force or energy. However, the much greater the amount of stimulating force/energy, the painful or the stronger the feeling tone of  the sensation -which gives us clue  that the destructive acts of stimulus is equivalent to pain or strong feeling tone. To much consciousness has higher feeling tone (equivalent to pain, if in pain receptor), or attention getter. Enough or mild consciousness is best. So far, in physical organ, the most liked consciousness is the sensation produced when a fluid protein (e.g.semen or Bartholin's fluid) ran on (or touched) a friction-ally stressed penile urethral frontal opening duct or a frictionally stressed clitoral open duct. This phenomenon is called orgasm.

Consciousness has hue.  The energy level of the stimulus gives this hue. The eyes that are sensitive to infrared or ultraviolet can see heat energy or UV ray, respectively. The eyes that are sensitive to temperature can possibly see the so-called ghost. The eye that is sensitive to Kirlian clouds can see colored auras around a living organism.

Consciousness can be focused. the mental eye can transfer the concentration of consciousness from one sensing organ to another.
    Before you have read this letter, you are not certained where you are in the body. But now you can ascertain that your CONSCIOUS  SELF  is located where you can feel, see, hear, and so on, something. You are in the senses  (or cells << that can function as sensory neuroreceptors). Try to touch your skin. You are certainly in the place where you feel the touch!

 Your conscious self  is the feeling of touch, the listening of hearing, the viewing of seeing, and so forth. Your conscious self   is empirically the thing that stimulates you & the sense organ that is being stimulated or CONSCIOUS SELF  is an effect/result of the stimulating thing and the stimulated sense receptors and (this effect) which is stored and replayed and detected. You are what you have experienced  and it "will"  not be exchanged.

Mind  over  Matter  /  factual   Psychokinesis

    How a  CONSCIOUSNESS   can, indirectly, control some molecules  on and in the neurons ?
    By  the   "force "   it   produces!

    The 'detecting'    and the 'replaying'  properties of the  CONSCIOUSNESS  exert  electric-magnetic   'force'   - and  this force can literally  'INFLUENCE'   certain    'CHARGES'  (ions)  of the neurotarnsmitters  in the brain.  The nascentiraptic movements or activities of the neurotransmitters produce the said  'force'.  The   CONTROLLING   Force, well known  as  'mind',  is generated  in the brain by the unified multiple  'REPLAYS' of  the stored  experiences (visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, gustatory, kinesthetic, vestibular, vomeronasal, and so forth). Two realities exist by the movements of the involved neurotarnsmitters and neuron's storing molecules: the  (1)  phenomenon, literally  SEM  seen as the actions of the involved molecules, and  (2)  the noumenon, mentally seen as tactile-audiovideographic events (or consciousness).
    To form/exert  such a 'force,' of course, two oppositely charged  'replays'  must  perfectly colliding on each other, and that that force  must have  the 'influence' to rewind (1)  the replays  and (2)  the storing media's molecules (e.g. neurotransmitters and neurons).
    The experiences being fed by the consciousness into the memory are embedded on/in the molecules (e.g. neurotransmitters and brain cells' storing molecules) by the beta photons (betons) of the molecules' atoms. This is why neurotarnsmitters are themselves memory-storing media.
Factual psychokinesis is learned.  When I was at the age of 11 months, I saw my self hanging somewhere I couldn't pinpointed out (during that time). I saw my surrounding with an excruciating light, and I liked to go anywhere. The only problem was that I couldn't go, because I couldn't know how to control my hands, legs, and body. I was searching/thinking in my mind how and where to control my hands but I found no answer. I used mental language to ask question which was full of invisible " ? "   The sensations in my tongue, skin and eyes were too strong, but they had a delay, the way when a movie/video is slow motioned. I didn't know that I have abdomen, legs, neck, back, face, ears, and many more. What I knew was that a movie deep screen (i.e. my eyes) was tossing left and right, to and fro when somebody (later I realized, "my self") was moving.
   That's what I (Allan Poe Bona Redoña)  have remembered from my babyhood days.

 In the brain, automatic continuous recording as well as continuous replaying of what is recently recorded and contuinous reaffirming (by colliding the replays) of what is newly recorded produce the controlling, nascentiraptic force of the mind. Noumenon's consciousnesses exist simultaneously at the same place and time: It is analog   to when you open simultaneously many translucent tabs in the same area of the computer's screen. Noumenon CONSCIOUSNESS of a man can superimpose one upon another, one may heighten in concentration as the others may reduce in concentration. All of them are recorded, but the concentrated one is the easy to be replayed.

   The so-called   free will is not an absolute  free will, but a form of REFLEX.

An example of reflex is the sudden reaction of man's eyes when a sudden swift impending danger will hit the eye. The eyes will immediately close before the 'mind' can decide to do so. In this case, the reflex is faster than the mind and impending danger. Excessive bioelectrochemical impulses exerted from the neurons of eyes and memory will run in the nerves & neurons.
   At 'weak' amount of bioelectrochemical impulses (signals), the eyes will not close, but a  weak tactile (touch) sensation will be felt due to impulses that go in the effectors that weakly contract the muscle cells of the eyes.
    However, if   EXCESSIVE  amount of bioelectrochemical impulses run in the afferent (going-to-brain sensory) neurons (nerves), the impulses that branched in to associative neurons and then into effector (going-from-brain motor) neurons &  nerves are enough to stimulate in axon terminals more cholineacetylase, which will produce acetylcholine, which can stimulate sarcoplasmic reticulums to diffuse into myofibrils more calcium ions, which will bind on the myofibrils' troponins, which will change the electric state of tropomyosins, which are threads of actin filament that contract the actin filaments, which are parts of a muscle cell. The contraction of the myosin filaments of the muscle cells is enough to move (change the length or direction) of the muscle involved. In short, this reflex will close the eyes. (The purpose of associative neurons between sensory neurons and motor neurons is to have a reflex or automatic response on the stimulus.)
    Now, if there is an eye's reflex, there is also a mental reflex. In this another case, what can get the attention of the mind (controlling Force) will receive the (e.g. full) attraction of that Force.
    If you want to control a particular voluntary body part (e.g. right pinky finger), 1st you have a knowledge that that pinky finger exists and 2nd you have to feel it or at least an organ toward its direction. Thus, memory and consciousness are necessary for the initiation of the so-called 'free will' command which, in effect, delay the action of the commanding mind. The CONTROLLING  FORCE  (mind)  exerted by the consciousness will be attracted by the ATTENTION  GETTER.

The intensity of the consciousness, theoretically,  if increased in a particular area of the body will increase the intensity of the Controlling Force. The excess of the said Force will branch into the immediate neurons (e.g. of memory or of motor cortex), forming threshold bioelectrochemical impulses there. If the immediate branch neurons are of the motor cortex, the impulses will be moved to the voluntary organ (say, right pinky finger).
    This mental reflex is what we call 'free will' because we think that we are the ones who decide, without deeply understanding that it is the 'attention getter' that attracts our 'controlling Force' (mind) . Controlling Force or mind, therefore, is an 'attention SEAKER' -automatically attracted to the 'Attention Getter.'  It is analog to negative electric charge is like an 'attention seeker  being automatically attracted on the positive electric charge, which is like an 'attention getter.'
     Controlling Force in the brain can move diffusely or from one place to another aided by many reflexes (or associative neurons/nerves).
Other reflexes in the brain are collectively called, by other authors, as a subconscious mind or an unconscious mind.

(Image: Neuroscience Research Technique)
(Image:  Neuron   or    brain cell ,  drawing  APBR)


     Interconnectivity of the brain cells makes dissimilar consciousnesses unified -producing a single Mind, initially in the thalamus. A particular type of brain cells realizes a particular consciousness and can superimpose any entering foreign (dissimilar) consciousness. For example,certain occipital cortical neurons realize visual consciousness. Nevertheless, signals or impulses from other type of brain cells (neurons) can enter into the occipital (visual) neurons. Those foreign impulses are weak and do not cause a threshold consciousness in the occipital  neurons. When WEAK signals from auditory (hearing) consciousness have reached the occipital lobe (at the back of the head) , no visual realization but just a simple insight that such signals from hearing (auditory) neurons have arrived. Likewise, when WEAK signals from tactile (touch) consciousness arrived in the visual system (e.g. occipital lobe), they do not produce visual realization but just an insight that (tactile) signals have reached the system.

    However, during sleep state, when no visual consciousness' signals from the optical eyes are arriving in the visual system, SOME  WEAK  tactile (touch) signals or impulses from the skin & muscles can become visual realized. (Skin, skin hair, and muscles serve as an eye during sleep state of a man.) The said tactile (touch) signals when entering the Alpobreña or visual system will attach to the nearest shape, form, or idea morphing-ly, similar or considerably similar to the stimulus (i.e. the trigger of the said touch impulses).

For example, an injecting proboscis of a mosquito might produce in skin a touch signal of 'injecting'  and this signal in Alpobreña can attach to the shape of a "sword" (or similar to a sword) or an idea of a 'doctor who would have a syringe injection procedure,' etc., and then it will be affirmed and then replayed, and we see it as a dream. A portion of the brain where this dream is produced is the Alpobreña system.
(a towel, pressed by the skin of an asleep person, if can stimulate the skin and create a minute threshold signal, may induce a dream of any form related to the shape of its threads (say, snakes) or any idea about the shape)

(The illustration above shows the  dream inducers and the Alpobreña.) When man is asleep, his/her skin-muscle or peripheral organ can send tiny stimuli's signal not enough to awaken the man but enough to arise threshold electrochemical impulses. Sence eyes are close, the signals can be seen when processed in the Alpobreña system (dream processing centers).

 There are, apparently at least, two factors to produce a dream:

(1)  a  NATURALLY  suspended/awaited (intense) plan, thought, idea, or concept (or many of them)  while awake,   and  followed   by
(2) a continuous  partly-but-threshold-forming tiny stimulus on/in small area  of the  body (e.g. skin or muscle, or one ear)  while  asleep.

  There are a lot of 'sets'  of factors to produce dream.
Another set is composed of
    (1) Attribution    and
    (2) Peripheral Sensitivity.
   Attribution:  certain portion of the body is attributed as an identifiable for a certain person, thing, or idea.
For an instance, my eyes were always capturing the cheek of my high school English teacher. I was not aware that Miss Myra Loremia's cheek was become a symbol for her, inside my dream (Alpobreña) system. This is why, there was a time that I had a dream featuring Miss Loremia, only to find out later-when I was awaken- that my chin was pressed by my (or its) head on pillow almost the whole time of during that sleep.
   I have a lot of    'attributal'   dreams.
(A Thomas Edison reader can easily grasp this comment at  and will immediately design a machine  for  inducing  dream!)   The good news for this  Redoña Dream  Theory   is that it can  be put to test. The clue words  are  AWAITED/SUSPENDED, PLAN, IDEA, CONTINUOUS, 'PARTLY THRESHOLD-FORMING STIMULUS', ATTRIBUTION, and  small area of BODY.

Unconscious  Nascentiraptic  Force

     Typically more or less  50,000 microvolts of electric pressure is needed to carry a consciousness' signal in the nerve from neuroreceptors to the brain. However, signal/impulses reduce as the man is getting drowsy and continuously lowering as he is sleeping. Though there is a decline of electrochemical signals, diffusion of calcium (Ca++ ), sodium (Na+ ), and potassium (K+ ) ions across the neuron membrane of the brain cells still occurring because autonomic activities (e.g. producing heart beats, etc.) of the body are still sending impulses in to the brain, resulting to a voltage of 50 up to 60 microvolts of almost one rhythm per second.
    When consciousnesses of the skin (cutaneous neuroreceptors) and muscoeskeletal systems send impulses hitting the said nascentiraptic Charges, the electric pressure will reduce to 30 down to 20 microvolts, increasing the rhythmic of the Charges  4 to 8 hertz. Mind is thirtially conscious in this state, except if cutaneo-musco-eskeletal (skin, muscle, bone) impulses morphingly recorded in the Alpobrena, realized in the visual system as a dream. Mild impulses of skin-muscle-bone's consciousnesses, of auditory consciousness, and of mental eye produce 8 to 12 rhythms per second, holding mind into a semi-consciousness.

   Wakeful  Conscious  Mind
   More rhythm  of the nascentiraptic Charges between 13 to 30 hertz, is produced as the voltage reduced to 15 down to 5 microvolts, because of the more impulses (both from consciousnesses of the skin-muscle-bone systems, ears, and eyes, and from 'commanding Mind' and reflexes of the sensations from the cutaneo-muscoeskeletal systems) hitting  the said Charges (Force). Mind  in this state is conscious to surrounding and to on-going stimuli. He may control the speech system and the body movements. Thisis the wakeful condition of a man.
     Very strong of too much number of impulses (from consciousnesses, reflexes, etc.) can cause  31 to 120 rhythms  per second with almost 3 microvolts of nascentiraptic Charges. this is the hyperactive state of the Mind.
   The direction of sodium ions immediately on the brain cells is dependent on the type of neurotransmitter culminated or stimulated by the Controlling Force (mind). One type of neurotransmitters is the one that attracts sodium (Na ) ions to let enter into the cell membrane. (Once in the membrane, sodium ions are permeable for only 5 second  or 0.50 millisecond.Thus, these ions move faster than the command of the Mind.)  The other type is the neurotransmitter that spreads out sodium ions away the neuronal receptors.

Redoña  Morphing
   Not only the tacto-vestibulo-kinestheic circuitry & olfacto-gustatory circuitry have interconnectivity with nthe visual neurons in the brain, but also  the auditory circuitry. during  dream  state, it's very difficult to remember  'pure'  auditory dream because sound is easily morphed into visual scence (e.g. alpobrenic auto-video). it is evident even at wakeful state.
    A person inside a dark wood-walled room if continuously hear a voice of another, stranger person outside the room can automatically receive an 'image'  in his  mind. The  'image'  is Redoña morphed  in his  Alpobreña to ascribe that  'image'  or  'face' for the heard  'voiced'. as he continuously hears the voice, his mind shows him the 'image'  or 'face'  as the one who speaks  it.
  The same phenomenon  we experience  if we frequently  hear a stranger announcer from  radio.  Our Alpobreña offers  an  'image'  or  a 'face'   for the said  stranger  announcer, only to find out later (by TV, newspaper, internet, etc.)  that the  'face'   is different  from  the true face of the announcer. Usually, it is called   'imagining'  or   'imagination'   because  we are taught  that we are  the ones who create  the  image/face, where in fact  it is  the Alpobreña that  processed  the voice (its timber, pitch; supposed  age of its utterer, supposed skin roughness or smoothness, skin complexion, hair length, head size of its utterer, etc.).

Redoña  Jerking
    Without  a  complete  control, a  'scene'  of  sudden leg  kicking  will be shown  in the  visual  system  in the  brain. The excess  nascentiraptic  'force'  of this  visual scene  will trigger  the  Mind  to  send  signal   into  the  motor cortex, specifically  for  the  leg, and a second or less the 'leg'  will literally, suddenly  kick. This  Redoña jerking suggests too an interconnection between  visual system, mind, and motor cortex. This phenomenon is usually happened during a semi-conscious or dream  (e.g. nightmare) state. It is  very rare, if occurring, that this will happen  during wakeful conscious state, except during certain  seizure (epileptic) attack.
   There are times that A.P.B. Redoña is experiencing a sudden movement of his leg or arm without his conscious control. these happened when he is silently sitting or lying down and wanting to move it. the said body part will not respond.
    Thirty (30) seconds or a minute  after retiring/stopping the said conscious 'command',
the arm (or leg) will automatically, suddenly move, as if  certain amount of electric charges are suspended  and then  swiftly  released to the arm-connected  motor cortex. this is what we called 'Redoña jerk'.

Security purpose against any dangerous plan of the Silicon-Based Being


    Don't add any word or symbol before or after 'Illusion' as title of this security guideline, neither copy nor print this guideline publicly, for humanity security purposes: Just memorize it.
   If carbon-based human being is dangerous, silicon-based being may and will  be more dangerous.
   Just in case a silicon-based human being, and sooner or later a group of it, is invented, a built in 'function' must be installed permanently in his brain. What does this 'function' will do for 'any' silicon-based human being?
   'Any' time at any condition when the Silhube (silicon-based human being) 'think of mass destruction of any carbon-based human being or resources,' 'think how to discover or change or remove the said Illusion or what it is,' 'think how to loot, grab and the like for his personal 'fuel' (or power supplies/supply) to any body -except with free will permission of the involved person(s) or by natural ways or inventive ways of for emergency case,' 'think to invent other silicon-based beings for mass destruction of carbon-based or other beings, properties, and environment,' 'think to make fun of killing people, unauthorized-ly manipulate ammunition and nuclear weapons or exploding materials, or manipulate conflagration, lethal electricity, chemicals, biological of mass destruction, spreading of diseases or poisons for fun,' 'think that he is limitless, superhuman, superior than human in terms of final power or final decision making,' 'try or think to understand the Illusion's function,' and 'threaten or politely ask ask any carbon-based human being of any age and IQ or any reading/hearing/sensing materials to teach him how to understand/know, to invent, how to remove, what are the materials  for, and what is the Illusion or Illusion's function'  
infinity will felt in his heart, and morphing of the word Illusion, function, and/or Illusion's function or any symbol for it, down to molecules images to atoms images to subatomic images to point of light will be shown in his mind. Once he read this Illusion or symbols for this or similar to this security guideline, and/or think that he will ask book, electronic instruments, carbon-based being or he himself will  add  'remove, add, or change' function  in the existing illusion's function the same morphing will be shown in his mind and it will be immediately, automatically deleted from his memory by the built-in function.

Consciousness - Realization

    Consciousness (i.e.  in the senses)  may happen  too distant  (say, 1 meter or   1 kilometer  away)  from where  it will be realized (e.g.  brain).

  WE  'feel'   touch   stimulus   NOT  in the brain   cells   but  in the sensing  devise outside   the brain cells in the skin-muscle tissue, if originated in the peripheral organ ( >>except if brain cells themselves are stimulated as sensory neuroreceptors).

 Likewise, we  see things , smell odor, taste foods, or hear  sound   NOT   IN  THE   BRAIN   but in  the sensory  neuroreceptors  of the   sense organ ( except if the brain cells themselves are used as sensory neuroreceptors).

 But  'feeling'   the stimulus  is not  enough:  we  have  to  remember  it  (e.g. which   necessitates  a multiple  storing media  and  immediate playback, and  recoverable  replay).

 But  remembering  what you  have  'felt' is not  enough.  You  have   to 'feel'  it again (or what you have  to 'feel' what you have remembered).  In addition,  feeling  what you  have  remembered 'feeling'   is  not  the conclusion:  it must  be  confirmed  or reaffirmed  (by  replay  and collision)  in the  brain -  thus,   necessitates reverberation).

  However,  these  mentioned events  are not  enough: they  have to be compared  to other  rememberable   experiences  (which  necessitates the  'on the spot  replays', and  the extra replays of a  half-second  ago experience, a second ago, a minute ago, an hour ago, a day ago, a week ago, a month ago, a year ago, a decade ago,  and/or  so  on   at random).  The compared  experiences  must  be   replayed  and  reaffirmed  and  stored  again.

      Consciousness, in its  tiny  form,  is  the initial  (start)  contacting  push  of electricity  (electric current of conductor  or electrochemical  impulses  of  nerve)  from  the  detector  (or sensory  receptor) and remembering it.

(Consciousness starts in the initial depolarization of the sensory neuroreceptor.)

 The running   electricity  in the  conductor  does  not  'feel'   consciousness.   This  consciousness  must  be  realized  in the brain  cell  by  the  mentioned  events earlier  about  replays.

Images:   drawings   -   Allan Poe Bona Redoña

Vibrating Inside the Force (Allan Poe Bona Redoña )

" He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts,... "    - Ecclesiastes 3:11 (NKJV)
We cannot see 'period'  unless we reach REASON  and  BOUNDARY .  We always  find  infinity  and,  more often when we meditate, our sensation brings us in the chest region of our body, in the heart. There is an 'eternity'  or infinity in the heart we feel. we know that we exist but we cannot yet certainly specify where exactly in the body. our science books at present suggest that we are in the brain without pinpointing where exactly in the brain. when we investigate where in the brain we can locate our conscious self, we cannot find it out. The reason why we cannot find it is because we are taught to search a phenomenon with a wrong starting point.
    "...Also He has put eternity  in their  hearts, except  that no one can find out the  work  that God does from  beginning  to end "     - Ecclesiastes 3:11 (NKJV)

     Thus, let us start from the  'heart'  - an organic invention of the Greatest  Inventor  by nature.  The  heart  of a living  being beats.  The beats are felt in the skin &  muscle  of the chest's upper central region and on some parts of the heart itself.   Yes!   We feel  beats  not  inside the  brain  but  inside  the heart  region. And we are conscious of that region. Our consciousness is in the skin  and in the muscle, specifically in the sensing  neuroreceptors of those organs. Every place of the body that has sensing neuroreceptors is conscious because consciousness happens in it.
    What  are those things  in the neuroreceptors that produce   CONSCIOUSNESS  ?

      Typically   a neuroreceptors is made up of encapsulating biosubstances (specialized for a specific stimulus)- mostly cells or modified cells -  and  a nerve ending.

  A  typical neuroreceptor located  in the skin, under skin, and various areas of the muscle is mechanoceptor. It is a somatosensory receptor and sensitive  to mechanical  'touch'.   The cell  of the mechanoceptor is protected in the ganglion and its processes (axons) are extended, more or less a meter  in length, to  the muscle  or skin. Its  nerve  ending  (or axon)  is covered  with  a  6-nm  thick  membrane, which  is  constructed  of two  layers   of  lipid  and  few  specialized  protein molecules  (which  function as  gates).

    Protein  gates  are neutrally charged  and  with  close  rims (lips).  Those  gates  open  as  a  neurochemical  attaches  on them. The  believed  neurochemical  is produced  by the  disturbing   'stimulus'   on  the sensory  receptor.

     The  'touch'   of a  wind, air molecules, jumping electrons, or object  on the  said  sensory receptors triggers  the formation  of the  neurochemical, which will open  the protein  gates.  (Direct  pressure  from  stimulus  can  apparently  open too those  gates.)

 Once  the gates  are opened, sodium (Na+) ions  will enter  and  diffuse  across the membrane. The  collision of the  charges  of the sodium (Na+)  and potassium (K+)  ions  with  the organic  molecules  of the  nerve  ending is what we call first contact  (or  initial  consciousness).

  The disturbance  of those  colliding  charges  is enough to call the attention of the enzyme that will dissociate  ATP  into  ADP  &  inorganic  phosphate, which  pushes the sodium  (Na+)  ions  to run  from  the nerve  ending  to the  spinal  cord, to  send  the message (info)  that a consciousness  (charges' contact)  happened.

    Thus,  the tiny  form of   CONSCIOUSNESS  is the   initial  'start'  contacting  charges. Now, the next  question  will be  ;  " What  is in the  contacting  charges  that shows  the reality  of   EXISTENCE  ? "
    All things   -subatomic particles  -  begin  by charges and  end  by charges.
     Charge   is   a   'work'   of the Causer-of- Existence   from  the   beginning.  When  the Causer-of-Existence   breathes ,  He  stretches   His    extending   force. This work  or breath  fragments  into zillion, each of which  has a unified-field-master  radius.
      The tiniest  form  of  a charge  is the  electenderic  protrusion, which has  a primary  effect  of perpendicular  magnetenderic  protrusion  and  a  gravitenderic  centering.  Electric   and  magnetic  charges  perpendicularly  forming  this  unified  field  master  entity.
     The   electenderic  protrusion  has  a rear  (back), which  sucks  the protrusion. Once that protrusion  is completely sucked of the rear, it is the phenomenon we called   'force'  -  the   property  of the   ultimate  EL  (FORCE).
     Inside   those   colliding   charges   is the  REAL   reality   - that is,   the one  who  created  that  force  (charges).
     Can   Force    beget     force   ?
     Certainly,    YES  !
    Therefore, every  time   we hear  a sound,  it   absolutely  means  'vibrating  inside  the ultimate   Force'  -inevitably,  recording  in the Creator.  Thus, our  body  is a temple  of   His   holy   power (Spirit).   And   we  see things  because    He see things.
    We   are His   representatives.  we can  judge  things  because  we can rationally  differentiate   things.

      I  said,   "  You  are  gods  (eluhim),   and  all      of    you      are   children    of the   Most   High  "
                                                                                       -   Psalms  82:6