Thursday, January 31, 2013

Vibrating Inside the Force (Allan Poe Bona Redoña )

" He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts,... "    - Ecclesiastes 3:11 (NKJV)
We cannot see 'period'  unless we reach REASON  and  BOUNDARY .  We always  find  infinity  and,  more often when we meditate, our sensation brings us in the chest region of our body, in the heart. There is an 'eternity'  or infinity in the heart we feel. we know that we exist but we cannot yet certainly specify where exactly in the body. our science books at present suggest that we are in the brain without pinpointing where exactly in the brain. when we investigate where in the brain we can locate our conscious self, we cannot find it out. The reason why we cannot find it is because we are taught to search a phenomenon with a wrong starting point.
    "...Also He has put eternity  in their  hearts, except  that no one can find out the  work  that God does from  beginning  to end "     - Ecclesiastes 3:11 (NKJV)

     Thus, let us start from the  'heart'  - an organic invention of the Greatest  Inventor  by nature.  The  heart  of a living  being beats.  The beats are felt in the skin &  muscle  of the chest's upper central region and on some parts of the heart itself.   Yes!   We feel  beats  not  inside the  brain  but  inside  the heart  region. And we are conscious of that region. Our consciousness is in the skin  and in the muscle, specifically in the sensing  neuroreceptors of those organs. Every place of the body that has sensing neuroreceptors is conscious because consciousness happens in it.
    What  are those things  in the neuroreceptors that produce   CONSCIOUSNESS  ?

      Typically   a neuroreceptors is made up of encapsulating biosubstances (specialized for a specific stimulus)- mostly cells or modified cells -  and  a nerve ending.

  A  typical neuroreceptor located  in the skin, under skin, and various areas of the muscle is mechanoceptor. It is a somatosensory receptor and sensitive  to mechanical  'touch'.   The cell  of the mechanoceptor is protected in the ganglion and its processes (axons) are extended, more or less a meter  in length, to  the muscle  or skin. Its  nerve  ending  (or axon)  is covered  with  a  6-nm  thick  membrane, which  is  constructed  of two  layers   of  lipid  and  few  specialized  protein molecules  (which  function as  gates).

    Protein  gates  are neutrally charged  and  with  close  rims (lips).  Those  gates  open  as  a  neurochemical  attaches  on them. The  believed  neurochemical  is produced  by the  disturbing   'stimulus'   on  the sensory  receptor.

     The  'touch'   of a  wind, air molecules, jumping electrons, or object  on the  said  sensory receptors triggers  the formation  of the  neurochemical, which will open  the protein  gates.  (Direct  pressure  from  stimulus  can  apparently  open too those  gates.)

 Once  the gates  are opened, sodium (Na+) ions  will enter  and  diffuse  across the membrane. The  collision of the  charges  of the sodium (Na+)  and potassium (K+)  ions  with  the organic  molecules  of the  nerve  ending is what we call first contact  (or  initial  consciousness).

  The disturbance  of those  colliding  charges  is enough to call the attention of the enzyme that will dissociate  ATP  into  ADP  &  inorganic  phosphate, which  pushes the sodium  (Na+)  ions  to run  from  the nerve  ending  to the  spinal  cord, to  send  the message (info)  that a consciousness  (charges' contact)  happened.

    Thus,  the tiny  form of   CONSCIOUSNESS  is the   initial  'start'  contacting  charges. Now, the next  question  will be  ;  " What  is in the  contacting  charges  that shows  the reality  of   EXISTENCE  ? "
    All things   -subatomic particles  -  begin  by charges and  end  by charges.
     Charge   is   a   'work'   of the Causer-of- Existence   from  the   beginning.  When  the Causer-of-Existence   breathes ,  He  stretches   His    extending   force. This work  or breath  fragments  into zillion, each of which  has a unified-field-master  radius.
      The tiniest  form  of  a charge  is the  electenderic  protrusion, which has  a primary  effect  of perpendicular  magnetenderic  protrusion  and  a  gravitenderic  centering.  Electric   and  magnetic  charges  perpendicularly  forming  this  unified  field  master  entity.
     The   electenderic  protrusion  has  a rear  (back), which  sucks  the protrusion. Once that protrusion  is completely sucked of the rear, it is the phenomenon we called   'force'  -  the   property  of the   ultimate  EL  (FORCE).
     Inside   those   colliding   charges   is the  REAL   reality   - that is,   the one  who  created  that  force  (charges).
     Can   Force    beget     force   ?
     Certainly,    YES  !
    Therefore, every  time   we hear  a sound,  it   absolutely  means  'vibrating  inside  the ultimate   Force'  -inevitably,  recording  in the Creator.  Thus, our  body  is a temple  of   His   holy   power (Spirit).   And   we  see things  because    He see things.
    We   are His   representatives.  we can  judge  things  because  we can rationally  differentiate   things.

      I  said,   "  You  are  gods  (eluhim),   and  all      of    you      are   children    of the   Most   High  "
                                                                                       -   Psalms  82:6

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