We are familiar with the computer. And it is very uncalled-for if we hear a man declaring with UNCERTAINTY that the computer is not an INVENTION and does not have a PURPOSE and that it has existed without any REASON.
And yet, computer is too crude and simple as compared to the human brain.
Now, is the most complicated machine -i.e. human brain- an invention or not ? does it have a reason why it exists ? And does it have a purpose ?
Yes, human brain is the most complicated invention ever-ly invented, perfected through nature, and we can have it freely. And this invention is engineered not from big raw materials but from molecular ones -the DNA & RNA- which are a voluminous collection of nature's books or encyclopedias, complete with instructions, present and not present.
The Inventor of this invention is the One who invented nature or nature's materials. He did not use literal hands to invent nature's inventions but the do-not-appearing-things of His eternal power & Godhead. His active power to have 'nature' is but the light, which is made of quanta, which are composed of photons. These do not appearing things can make visible the created objects because all objects are made up of subatomic particles, which are absolutely composed of gamma photons, 'for whatever makes manifest is light' because 'all things that are exposed are manifest by light' . He 'is light and in Him is no darkness at all' and 'with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning'. He forms the light and creates darkness and, therefore, this Light is 'the Father of lights.' (cf. Ephesians 5:13, Hebrews 11:3, Romans 1:20; IJohn 1:5, James 1:17)
With the photons it can be possible to predetermine the formation of living things, simply because organic and inorganic chemicals -even the raw materials for living organisms- are created by the explosion of supernovaeone, nebulareone, or star. Amino acids -both the right & left handed- are naturally created by various means, one of which is by the fragments of star's (or sun's) planetisimal period of explosion.
" My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. your eyes saw my substance, being yet uniformed. and in Your book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them. how precious also are your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! " - Psalms 139:15-17 (NKJV)
Gaseous atoms and molecules are naturally created by converting the gamma photons into heavier and heavier subatomic particles, and rutherfically fusing and fissioning nucleons by the activities inside the star (e.g. our Sun). water is naturally created by burning hydrogen in the oxygen.
When the earth was created and hanged upon nothing in its circle or orbit, both dead and living DNA & RNA trembled because the power -destructive & constructive- which has word was uttered. (cf. Job 26:4-7) DNA molecules are natural replicating molecular machines, attracting protein molecules and producing enzymes.
It would take time before the various catalytic clay, rocks, and substances, and metals formed DNA, RNA, and protein. Imagine a proto-earth with a sticky crust because its upper layer was teeming with amino acids, phosphates, bases, and RNA ? The tendency would be, later or sooner, a pangea, panthalassa and air with a bountiful variety of organisms as DNA molecules were gun here and there as meteorological and geological activities fired those molecules from and to every place on the crust.
This may corroborate the declaration of an ancient king-scientist that "all (living creatures) are from the dust" -where dust refers to elements. To short cut, man was ' wrought in the lowest parts of the earth' . It would have first animals or beasts. And as far as breath, physical constitution, and death are concerned, the estate of the sons of men are ANIMAL or beast. (cf. Ecclesiastes 3:18-21, 20, Psalms 139:15) The first male and female man were not rational -they didn't know 'good & evil' the way we know it today. It was in a certain part of Israel, in the location of the empire-sized Eden, that the first rational human beings had existed -and discovered by modern scientists. certain chemicals from certain plant enhanced the growth of brain cells into their full maturity - 10 or up to 120 years matured than monkey's, although brain's development is not dependent on that chemical enhancer.
Nonetheless, man , monkeys, animals, plants, all other creatures, and even our planet are come from the dust.
Monkey's or Orangutan's brain cells, even at the chronological age of 30 years, are as immature as 1 year or 2 years old human baby's brain cells. Dolphins and dogs have brain cells more matured than monkey's, but they don't have man's vocal cords and man's hands to easily prove the level of their rationality.
If the processes that had occurred on the planet earth to form human beings is similar to other Universe's stellar-planetary systems, then it is possible that there are other 'creature' or other 'worlds' or other 'worshiping sons' on other stars at divers times or distances in the Universe.
"... the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear " - Hebrews 11:3 (KJV)
Those ' WORLDS' in the heavens (Universe) have VISIBLE thrones, dominions, principalities, and powers; as well as the invisible, whether above or below the horizon of the planet Earth. (cf. Colossians 1:16, Romans 8:19-23,39).
Water or liquids are not a monopoly of the planet Earth because even 'above the heavens' - nebulae and galaxies- water is literally existing, many of which are bigger than the size of our Solar System. (cf. Psalms 148:4)
(Illustration: Milde Science Communications/HST Archive data/ CFHT/J-C Cuillandre/Coelum)
Water detected with its maser emission from a galaxy.
Never in the Scriptures that a spirit messenger ( wind angel ) is being called 'son' of the Father, and yet other worshipers in the heavens or Universe are called 'sons', and even during the founding of the earth there are " sons " that shouted for joy. (cf. Hebrews 1:5, Job 38:4-7) This is an intergalactic faith in which the worshipers know that sometime in the past & future other 'worlds' or sons-inhabited planets or morning star were & will be founded in the heavens. they may have universal measurements: say, for length (L) is the diameter of the hydrogen atom, and for time (T) is the distance of the hydrogen atom's diameter expended in the velocity of white visible light.
All these 'sons' have brain, made up of brain cells and brain chemicals. Every part of the brain has a reason why it exists.
(Image Source)
Neurons in the central nervous system (CNS) are called 'brain cells", whereas in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) are 'sensory neurons" (or neuroreceptors).
Neuron serve as switch, relay, wire and, in the brain, as a computer, containing memory (or molecular storage media), and it is composed of a soma (body), and processes" dendrites (branches), axon (cord), and telondendria (axon terminals or electrodes). Its nucleus (central region is made up of nucleoprotein (storage material). The soma (cellular body) is composed of carbohydrate (glucose), phosphates, vitamins, amino acids, and potassium (K+) ions (upper storage materials), whereas the myelin sheath is made of soft white lipids, sphingosine, and A1 protein.
In the CNS, brain cell is functioning as an integrated circuit (electronic IC) with up to thousands of wirings.
Neurons of sense organs, however, are modified version of brain cells. Sensory neurons are exposed brain receiving stimuli instead of neurotransmitters. Consciousness exists in the sensory neuron, whereas mind & realization exist on/ in the brain cell.
Each sensory-connected brain cell realize a tiny consciousness. Hundreds of millions of such brain cells (and consciousnesses) are needed to be interconnected properly and unified to have a single type of consciousness. All types of consciousness are the visual (seeing), auditory (hearing), tactile (touch), gustatory (taste), olfactory (smell), vomeronasal (probably, alluring), kinesthetic & vestibular (movement & balancing), and some unnamed senses. Gustatory consciousness is even divided into several kinds (e.g. salty, sweet, sour, and bitter), whereas tactile consciousness into pain, hotness, coldness, pressure, stretch or vibration, and continuous touch. Technically speaking,if each sensory neuroreceptor is sending a consciousness, a CONSCIOUS SELF is composed of hundreds of millions of consciousnesses unified in the brain by means of proper interconnections. Brain cells are interconnected, 1st for a particular type of consciousness, 2nd stage for the kinds of the type, 3rd for the voluntary motor control, and so on. Double or many literal minds may exist in a brain - with one major voluntary-controlling mind - if wrong connection exists, as in the case of schizophrenia.
Mind in the brain cannot see the electrochemical impulses or enzymes in the brain simply because it detects nascentiraptic charges collectively the way we detect (view) scene or video on the computer/TV screen. If mind (controlling Force) cannot willfully control synaptic enzymes and telodendrial impulses, how then it can 'blindfolded-ly' control them ? By consciousness! Yes, by consciousness in the neuroreceptors of the sense organ. Since 'mind' cannot see the neuronal switches in brain, it will have to find a mean/way to control the target voluntary organ or, blindfolded-ly, the impulses & enzymes. As what I had experienced in my babyhood days, I had no idea that I have hands, feet, and body that was why I could not perfectly control my body. First, the mind must know that the targeted organ (e.g. ear's muscle) is part of its body. Second, the mind must receive sensation (touch, or kenisthesia) from the targeted organ, and third it must try to move it (even without knowledge how to turn its 'switch' on in the brain). By trying or thinking to move the voluntary organ, the mind in the thalamus will send signals to the sensory cortex which will possibly exert charges that can form threshold impulses and those impulses will branch into the nearest motor cortex connected to it. Mind is unknowingly producing the the impulses which will turn the switches on for the targeted organ.
But how mind can blindfolded-ly produce impulses ? Two facts are inevitably, simultaneously involved: the maintaining electrochemical circuit (current) in the living brain and mind is watching.
Watching MIND
The nascentiraptic controlling Force (mind) is watching through senses and replays. This nas-Charges (mind) has an umbra (focus) and penumbra (unvividly) and can move from one place to another (or many places) or from many places to another in the brain via interconnection of the brain cells and initially originating from the traffic system of the thalamus.
Maintaining Brain Current
The gate (switches) for Waking Up System is the reticular formation. There is a necessary level of impulses to pass this gate and that level is the 'threshold' level. When eyes and/or ears are receiving enough amount of visible light and sound disturbances, respectively, the produce impulses are inevitably at threshold level. Technically, the optic neuroreceptors' impulses or auditory impulses branch into various regions of the brain, including in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the midbrain. Their impulses passing in the suprachiasmatic nucleus will inhibit the pineal gland to produce melatonin (or at least reduce its formation).
In reverse condition, if there's no sound & visual electrochemical impulses are running in the said midbrain's nucleus, the pineal gland will secrete (issue) the vertebrate hormone melatonin. As this hormone journeys throughout the body, the part it will have reached feels fatigue. This signal of fatigue will need inactivity or relaxation, which is partly a mental function (e.g. exerting serotonergic-level charges). The received stimulus in the skin & muscle will reduce its influence of creating impulses. As the stimulus' influence declines, the produced neuro-electrochemical impulses reduce, too, until no enough threshold impulses can pass in the Gate of Waking up System: meaning, the weak impulses cannot reach the thalamus, hippocampus, hypothalamic mammillary bodies, and cortex via formatio reticularis. Only impulses from autonomic (or involuntary) organs (e.g. heartbeats, lungs' and diaphragm's expanding-contracting) are circulating in the brain. Without consciousnesses' neuroelectrochemical impulses, no conscious mind (nas-Force), of course, and the Conscious-self is stopped or none. What remains is the minimum maintaining electrochemical circuit (current) in the living brain. Its voltage goes high per second continuously.
The nascentiraptic Force (charges) of the replays can select the high or the low, the serotonergic level or the cholinergic level. Theoretically, there are two levels of maintaining minimum brain current, i.e., the serotonergic and cholinergic levels. These levels of charges are alternating-ly passing in the watching nascentiraptic Force. Once the nas-Force attaches on the cholinergic level, enzyme choline acetylase around the brain cells will be attracted to gather acetyl CoA and cholines, synthesizing (combining them to form into) acetylcholine. Electrochemical activity in the cerebral cortex hightens as the neurotransmitter acetylcholine increases.
There are three (3) major levels of nascentiraptic Charges (mind) in the brain: the lower, serotonergic; the middle, cholinergic; and the higher, adrenergic.
Memory (replays or stored infos) elevates the nascentiraptic level.
Memory, inevitably replays, has something to do with the elevation of the nas-Charges from cholinergic to adrenergic level (and if correct, from serotonergic to cholinergic level).
The eyes, seeing a fearful sight, will send impulses into the optic chiasma (OC), thalamus, hypothalamus, and memory system.
After confirming in the replays of experiences or ideas that it is a dangerous event, the charges of the Mind will elevate from cholinergic to adrenergic level.
Charges from thalamus' neurons will stimulate the cuproenzyme or dopamine-beta-hydroxylase to combine oxygen with dopamine, forming norepinephrine. Other thalamic impulses from dorsomedial neurons will branch into the posterior hypothalamic nucleus (PHN), which has nerves (wires) connected to the heart. Other impulses from PHN will branch into the nerve of the adrenal medulla and will stimulate the chromoffin cells there to produce adrenaline (epinephrine) by synthesizing tyrosine or dopa to form into norepinephrine, then the latter into adrenaline. Adrenal medulla augments the adrenaline, which is secreted (released) into the blood vessels and transported throughout the body. Adrenaline can mobilize glycogen (food of cells) and can increase the oxygen consumption & blood flow, and can speed up the heart rate.
Mind itself cannot control voluntary organ (as in comatose) if synapses, dendrites, or telodendria in certain portion of the auditory system or thalamus are dislocated or hindered.
Continuous sound impulses passing in the auditory system may enter the anterior temporal lobe and pass the neurons there that facilitate the purposive & purposeful act, and then the medial surface's neurons that involved in the cognition of visual, audio, and apparently tactile (touch), and then neurons in region near the uncus area that will branch into the neurons of thalamus.
Another way to control a voluntary organ, the tactile conscious Mind in the parietal sensory brain cells must send impulses into the thalamus' ventralis posterior (VP), which may branch into the lateral ventral nucleus (NLV) and to the anterior nucleus (AN) of the thalamus. The AN neurons will then branch the impulses into the anterior cingulate gyrus. Anterior cingulate motor neurons are primarily involved in the junction between the tactile conscious Mind and switching on of the motor voluntary organs. Once (tactile) conscious Mind try to move an organ, the anterior cingulate neurons or the lateral ventral nucleus (NLV) neurons will elevate their level from serotonergic to cholinergic.
"Free will" is a form of reflex. It operates by replaying (asking) previous recorded experiences or combining recorded experiences or ideas to form a new one. To choose what to visualize or imagine is a 'free will' act based on the replays of recorded infos or deducted or inducted from other ideas. However, it is not free to the idea that has no previous record from other previous ideas. For an instance, we have no free will to visualize how the 'vacuum Nothingness' originated. Whatever we do, we cannot choose any previous recorded experiences or ideas or combining them to know by visualization how the absolute 'Somethingness' and 'Nothingness' originated or have started. This proves that our 'free will' to visualize (imagine) is no effect in the origination of the absolute 'Somethingness' & 'Nothingness'. The same is true for moving a voluntary organ. Almost all people cannot move a muscle of their ears. however, by an ardent continuous trying to move it, a person can develop neural connection in the motor cortex, cingulate gyrus, and sensory for the moving of the ear's muscle. Another typical example, at first a boy does not know how to ride and run a bicycle, but by repetitious practice his kinesthetic & vestibular systemsafter forming neural connection in the cerebellum, one day he will learn how to run a bike.
Our 'free will' can avail what is ready to be chosen. It is based on the fact that we can freely will to recall past events we have known; but if our replaying system in the brain does not find a clue or idea to 'open' (replay) a chosen recorded event, we cannot recall it. Whatever you do, for an instance, you cannot remember what had happened to you last 3 years, 2 months, 1 day & 18 hours ago unless (1) you were conscious aware during that time and (2) you've gotten an 'idea' or 'key' to replay the recorded experienced during that time. we cannot 'will' to recall what had happened to us when we were 11 months & 12 days 'old' unless we opened it by a clue or key.
In 1990, my close friend James went back to his native town, Bicol (Philippines), to live there.
Ten years after, a young man drew near to me and asked if I knew a certain 'Allan Poe Redoña'.
I was shocked, and pondering in my mind, and answered him by this question" "Why do you know Allan Redoña? Who are you? "
James said he was Allan Redoña's classmate during elementary. After that conversation, being confused, I went home thinking who was that 'James' and in what particular days that we became classmates. Whatever I did, I couldn't recall him - his face, his person, his relationship to me, and anything about him.
Until one day of pondering, I remembered another guy,Roel Yamba- a naughty classmate of mine- and by him I recalled that I had had trouble because Roel had threatened James. From that opening 'key' or clue, I remembered everything about James until I found out that James was, in fact, my very close friend.
This is an example of 'free will' to avail what is ready to be chosen and what is already learned or previously recorded.
Serotonergic, cholinergic, and adrenergic levels are already in the brain. Hearing, seeing, feeling, smelling, tasting, balancing, alluring, and replaying realizations are ready in the brain. What the watching Mind 'will' do is to 'switch on' what gets its (mind's) attention. Mind is automatically attracted on what gets its attention, and when attracted it attaches on that 'attention getter' - combining the Mind's charges and the synapses' charges, elevating the charges and attracting more enzyme and/or neurotransmitter there.
Mind is in the entire brain. since it is made of charges, this nas-Force (charges) will only affect or influence the charges of the enzyme or neurotransmitter in the nascentirapse.
The ability of Mind to 'focus' starts the 'free will' and the ability of Mind to move from one (or many regions) to another (or many places) gives this 'focus' possible.
We can easily understand 'focus' by comparing it to the dial of an ampere-meter. The dial points to 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 (in which, 9 is the highest or the full focus) depending on the amount of charges that runs in the said meter's electromagnet. thus, the ratio between 'focus' and 'amount of charges' is equal. as the charges elevate, the 'focus' intensifies, too.
There is an automatic replay in the brain, that is, the On the Spot Replaying -or technically, the reuptaking of the neurotransmitters around the synapses. Synapses are a place where the nascentiraptic Force (charges) or mind starts to control molecules. Nas-Force from nascentirapse starts to change from serotonergic to cholinergic and to adrenergic level. This 'will' starts from within the nascentiraptic charges, from within the unified field master entities, from inside the tenderic charges, from within the Creator of the charges.
- Allan Poe Bona Redoña,
February 08, 2013
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