Saturday, February 16, 2013

Where are we in the body ?

   Ancient  people,  king  David  (r. 1012-  died  ca. 972 BCE)  and  apsotle  John  (fl. 27 - ca. 90 CE)  to name a few, were more  technical  in terms  of understanding  what 'mind'  is.  They understood  'heart'  and 'reins'  (kidneys)  as  mind.  Other  implicated  mouth, lips, or tongue  as  'mind', whereas  some people  told 'ear'  as an organ  that can  understand  and lips  as can  learn.  They even  have  mentioned  that  'heart'  has  thoughts  or can utter  (verbally and mentally) a speech.
Heart and thoughts can be also interchangeably used. (cf. Psalms 26:2  & 139:23)
     Heart  of 'flesh'  and of  'feelings'  are used  interchangeably.
   The biological reason is  neurological !
  All sensory-impulses-sending organs  have  consciousnesses  and all mentioned  organs  (heart, lips, tongue, mouth, reins, and ear)  are  connected  to the  brain cells  via  neural pathways.  (cf.  Psalms 7:9, Ecclesiastes 3:11, revelation 2:23, Jeremiah 17:10 & 31:33 & 5:21, Proverbs 15:7,14, 28  & 17:20 & 14:7 & 10:19-21 & 16:1,21, Psalms 39:3 & 17:3, I Chronicles  28:9, Psalms 84:2 & 16:9, Job 13:1, Psalms 51:10,17, Proverbs 17:23, Obadiah 1:3, Proverbs 23:33, Isaiah 50:4  &  6:10)

   The feelings  we feel  brought  out by  emotion  is also  called  'heart', so that  heart (emotion) motivates  the  mind. And  a function  of heart  of 'feelings', like  being  'satisfied,'  is  a function  of eyes, too,  it is  because  eyes  and heart  are  inter-affecting  via  neural  pathways  from the brain. as the  heart  mourns, so does  the eye, or as the lips  utter, so does  the heart.  Organs -intestines, stomach, diaphragm, muscles, etc.-  of the abdomen  are  implicated  as heart  or mind. The  activity  of mouth  or tongue  is an  activity  of the  heart.  All these  functions of mind  are because of neural  connections  of all organs to the brain  cells. (cf. Proverbs 25:20 & 15:28 & 16:9 & 27:10, Psalms 88:9 & 20:27, KJV)

     "  ...  in the  imagination  of the  thoughts  of 
                                                    the  heart  of thy  people ...  "
                                                                                   -  I  Chronicles 29:18  (KJV)

   People  has  heart, which  according  to king David  has  thoughts, which  have  imagination. His  son  understood  'heart'  as  'memory'  or  emotion memory.  'Thoughts'  is defined  'ways',  'devices' ,  or  'plans. It  is  a fact  that  heart  has  ways  or neural pathways  to and  fro  the brain, and  those  ways  of electrochemical  impulses  are  important  to have  proper  thoughts  or plans. (Proverbs 19:21 & 14:22, Isaiah 55:8,  I Kings  8:17,18,  job 21:27, KJV)

   " ...  I  will  put   My  law  in  their  minds,  
                                         and  write  it on  their  hearts ;  ... "
                                                                                  -   Jeremiah  31:33  (NKJV)

   Instruction  can be  put in  mind by  writing  it on  the heart. It will be  written  by the  Pneuma (Breath)  of the living  Causer-of-Existence  'on  the tablet  of heart'  or  on the  'tablets  of flesh, that is, of the heart.'  What  can 'flesh  of the  heart'  do  that  was why  it is  considered  having thoughts ?   The  heart  and flesh  can cry  out!   The  'flesh'  of  man cries out  -  How ?   By  resounding  or making  noise, like  when  being  terrified. bio-technically, this is  because  of the  fast beating  of  the heart as impulses from  the brain's  amygdala's  & hypothalamus'  neural pathways  and as adrenaline  from  kidneys (reins)  and  brain  run  into the heart.  FOCUS  of  conscious-self  in this  condition  may be  in the heart  region  and  in the skin &  muscle  of other body's portions.
    Jesus  himself  may refer  to  'heart'  as  'focus  of consciousness'  when  he  said:  " For  where  your  treasure  is,  there   your  heart  will be  also"  (cf.  Matthew 6:21, NKJV).
   The skin  & muscle  of that region  become  more  conscious  because  of the  terror, fear, or intention. It seems that 'we'   are  the skin  & muscle because those  organs  become  more  conscious. But  it is clear that we  are  clothed  with skin & flesh  and have  been granted  life, so that  'we'   specifically  are not  the skin, flesh or life (cf. Job 10:11-12).
   We are  the consciousness,  dust  (elements)  of our  body, and  breath  (metabolic  effects).  Without  any of  these  -soul (i.e. that which  breathes), body  and  spirit  (breath) -  we  are not  'we' .  (cf.  Jeremiah 17:1,  IICorinthians 3:3, Proverbs 3:3, Ezekiel 11:19 & 36:26, Psalms 84:2, Isaiah 15:5 & 16:11, Isaiah 21:4, Jeremiah 1:19, Psalms 55:4,5,  Psalms 119:120,  Habakkuk 3:16, Jeremiah 23:9 & 48:36, Nahum 2:10, Psalms 22:14)
    Soul  was  understood  in ancient  Israel  as  'head'  - a  place  of  the brain -   which  breathes, and  therefore  'living soul'   may mean  'breathing  head (brain)'  and   'dead  soul'   means  'breathless  head'.  In Hebrew  it is  nephesh, literally  means  'that which  breathes,'  and translated  in Greek  psyche,  literally  "breath"   and understood  as  'principle of  life'  or  'life', and derived from the verb  psychein (which means "to breathe"). Soul or Head,  which  all the body , is  nourished and knit  together  by  joints  and  ligaments (bands)  and continuously  increasing  with  the  increase  which  is from  the Causer-of-Existence. Inside  these  joints  or spinal  bones  are  the nerve  fibers  connected  to the  brain.  the  brain cells, dendrites and  telodendria (axon terminals)  are  continuously  increasing  as neurons in the brain  are  also  continuously  damaged  or dying.
    Why  head  is called  soul  ('that which  breathes')  ?
    In terms  of breathing, brain  in the  head  is  the most  consumptive  of molecular oxygen (which  is the very  reactive  component  of air  or  breath)  because  of its  100 000 000 million synapses, where  metabolic  activities  are  greatly  taking place.
     Man  is  himself  a  living  soul  (breathing  brain).

    "  And   YHWH   formed  man  of  dust  from  
                            the earth,  and  breathed  into  his  
                                                 nostrils  the breath  of life, 

           wayehi             ha-adam                le-nefesh          hayya
      and became          the  man        a  breather / soul        living   . "
                                                                                                                - Genesis 2:7

(Psalms 63:5, Job 16:4, Psalms 78:50 & 116:8  &  56:13 )

    The  tangible  man  can be divided  into
  (1)  the head  portion (soul)  and
 (2)  the  body  portion  (where belly is located).

  (cf. Isaiah 10:18, Colossians 2:19, Matthew 10:28)
There was a knowledge in the ancient days that cutting off the head could totally kill a man.
 (cf. ISamuel 31:9 & 17:51, cf. Psalms 74:14)

      Soul  (Head  portion) : e.g. brain (i.e. soul), nose (nostrils),
                                         mouth (lips, tongue-palate, throat), eyes, ears

     Body  :  e.g.  heart,  bosom  (belly, bowels: stomach, intestines; inner most  parts:
                                         solar plexus),  reins (kidneys),  hands,  legs

   Nefesh  -soul-  which  literally  means   'that which  breathes'  is  scripturally  referring  to the  head  portion or, for Levites,figuratively the blood's hemoglobin (which breathes).
    Soul (brain)  is the  watery  fatty  portion  of the  head. (cf. Proverbs 13:4,  KJV)

   " The liberal  soul  shall  be made  fat ;  and  he that  
                          watereth   shall   be watered  also  himself "
                                                                                                   - Proverbs 11:25  (King James  Version)

    Brain  is  the most  oxygen-consumptive  organ  of a  man.It  processes  the  organismic  'life', the knowledge, praising, hearing, hearing, eating, hunger, tasting, thirst, desire, longing, joy, discouragement, abhorrence  etc. knowing  is one  of its effects  and thus  it is  the seat  of knowledge. Living  soul is  a  'breathing  brain,'  which  can be departed. a person  with  a departed  soul (living brain, breathing head)  is  dead. (cf. I Kings  17:21-22)
    Soul  (head)  can be  slinged (hurled) as  out  of the  middle  of a sling  or  can be  beheaded  or can be lifted up, or can be bowed down  to the dust. It can be hunted  by making  kerchiefs upon  the  head  and  when it is  bound  in the  bundle  it will die. It is  considered to be  the 'life'  of a man. (Leviticus 26:43, Numbers 21:4, Psalms 139:14, Proverbs 24:14, Joshua 11:11, ISamuel 25:29, Revelation 20:4, Psalms 143:8 & 44:25, Isaiah 58:5, Ezekiel 13:18-19  &  18:4, Psalms 24:4,7)
   The uttering (throat, mouth) portion of the soul (head)  can be  emptied  and,  therefore, will become  thirsty (cf. Isaiah 32:6, Proverbs 25:25).
    Every soul (head) upon  the water that tries  to escape  a flood or overwhelming sea will die  if water  has gone over  that soul  (cf. Revelation 16:3, Psalms 124:4,5,7)  The  mouth portion  of the soul (head)  may eat  (to taste how sweet  a meat it wanted to eat)  to be  satisfied  from hunger, or it can also refuse  to touch  meat to avoid the soul (brain) to be polluted  by abominable  flesh  even it  longs  to eat  flesh  (Deuteronomy 12:15, Proverbs 13:19 & 19:15  &  13:2,4,25  &  27:7, job 6:7, Psalms 63:5  & 107:9,18,  Revelation 18:14).
   " My soul  shall be satisfied  as with  marrow  and fatness;  
                   and  my mouth  shall  praise  thee  with  joyful  lips "    
                                                                                                        - Psalms 63:5
"... to afflict  his  soul ? ... to bow  down  his  head ... "                  
                                                                                                         - Isaiah 58:5 (KJV)
"... soul   is  bowed  down  to the dust : ... "                                      
                                                                                                         - Psalms 44:25 (KJV)
"...and make kerchiefs  upon  the head  of every  stature
                                to hunt  souls!  Will ye  hunt  the souls  
                of my  people, and will ye save  the soul alive  
       that come  unto you ?    ...slay  the souls that should  not die
     and  to save the souls  alive  that should  not  live,.. "       
                                                                                            -  Ezekiel 13:18,19 (King James  Version)

"...and I saw  the souls  of them  that were  beheaded... "
                                                                                             - Revelation  20:4
"All they that ...none can keep  alive  his own  soul "
                                                                                             - Psalms 22:29 (KJV)
"...and every living soul  died  in the sea "
                                                                                             - Revelation 16:3
"...the soul  that  sinneth,  it shall   die "
                                                                                             - Ezekiel 18:4  (KJV)

   The mouth's  lips  of the soul  (head)  can be  used  to praise, rejoice, and cry (cf. Psalms 119:75 & 35:9,  Job 24:12, KJV).
   The ears  of the soul (head)  are the organs  to hear  (cf.  Isaiah  55:3, Acts  3:23).
   The  life will be lost  if soul (head)  is laid  in the dust, and it will be destroyed. But  soul  from hell (grave, death)  may be regained  its life  in some  circumstances. cf. Psalms 7:5 & 63:9 & 78:50, acts 3:23 & 2:27, 31, Matthew 10:20, IKings 17:21,22, Proverbs 23:13,14, Psalms 89:48 & 56:13 & 116:8)
   In ancient  times, souls  (heads, life, persons)  of men  were sold  by the  Babylonians  and Phoenicians  in a barter (cf. Ezekiel 27:13, cf. Revelation 18:13)
   Soul (head)  is too important  because  all of our  consciousness are processed here  to be realized  or perceived  In fact, head (soul)  and life  can be  interchangeably used, and people  may be counted  per head (soul).
   " For  the word  of    God  is quick, and powerful, 
             and sharper than  any two-edge  sword, piercing 
 even to the dividing  asunder  of soul (head)  and spirit (breath),                 and  of the  joints (spinal bones)
                               and marrow (brain), and  is  a discerner
  of the thoughts  and intents  of the heart (mind). "  
                                                                                                      -    Hebrews 4:12

The Scriptures give a lot of references where this  nefesh or psyche (soul) can be located in the body.

   "...the soul  (head portion)  of  Jonathan  was knit  with  the  soul  of David, and  Jonathan  loved him as his own  soul (head) "                                                                           - I Samuel 18:1
  "  Take no thought  for your psyche ('head which  breathes'), what ye shall  eat; neither  for the body, what ye shall put on "                                                                               -  Luke 12:22
 "... the  soul... eat ..."                        - Proverbs 13:2
 "... blood of the souls  of the poor innocents: ... "    - Jeremiah 2:34 (KJV)
  "...sword  reacheth  unto  the soul "                             - Jeremiah 4:10 (KJV)
 "And they smote all the souls  that were therein with the edge of the sword, utterly destroying  them: there was not any left to  breathe:..."                                   - Joshua 11:11 (KJV)
 "...smote them with the edge of the sword, and utterly  destroyed all the souls... ...utterly destroyed  all that breathed..."                                                               - Joshua 10:39-40 (KJV)
 "Who have for my psyche ('which breathes')  laid  down  their  own necks: ... "  - Romans 16:4
 "...for  his  pysche (brain which breathes)  is in him "      - Acts 20:10
 " Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his psyche (head which breathes) for  his  friends " -    John 15:13   (compare to Mark 6:27-29)
  "...soul  chooseth  strangling, and death..."    - job 7:15 (KJV)
 "... I lift up my soul unto thee  "  - Psalms 143:8 (cf. Jeremiah 52:31, KJV)
 "...but sent leanness into their  soul "    - Psalms 106:15 (KJV)
 "...his blood shall be upon his own head.   .. . his  soul "   - Ezekiel 33:4-5
"... to shed  blood, and to destroy  souls,... "    - Ezekiel 22:27 (KJV)
"...waters  are come in unto my soul. throat...mine eyes.../. mine" - Psalms 69:1,3,4 (KJV)
"... the soul (head) of Jonathan kissed  the soul of David,.."   - ISamuel 18:1

    Unlike  to other ancient beliefs, the scriptural soul (brain) can be died;  and  is  taught to have the ability  of knowing, converting into wise, remembering  hearing, choosing, desiring, longing, refusing, saying (words), seeking (something), abhorrence  loathing, being discourage; getting sorrow, angry, hungry; praising; being satisfied; being weary, afflicted, with bitterness; making sin, being strangled (obstructed seriously the normal breathing of); capacity of refreshing, being polluted, getting fat, receiving water, being delighted,  preserving, dying, becoming lean, and so forth.  all these activities were not in favor with the popular belief about  brain  during  Aristotelian and Roman imperial days which changed  the meaning of psyche  into  "mind"  and then apparently adopted  the  Egyptian or Babylonian  'soul'.  (cf. ISamuel 25:25, Proverbs 11:25, Isaiah 32:6, Proverbs 13:19,25 & 19:15 & 23:16 & 25:25 & 24:14, Psalms 63:9 & 63:5, Isaiah 10:18, IKings 17:21,22, Psalms 33:20 &78:50, genesis 12:13, Psalms 143:8, 11 ; Exodus 30:12, Proverbs 25:13, Psalms 142:7, Isaiah 29:8, Psalms 78:50 & 116:8 & 56:13, Colossians 2:19, Job 20:23-25, Psalms 24:4, Psalms 24:4,7)

  "So that my soul  chooses  strangling, the death  rather  than my  bones  "                -  Job 7:15

   From  this statement of Job we can discover two things about  nefesh (soul):

 Soul  (brain)  has the ability to  'choose',
 and  soul (head)  can be on the condition  of being  strangled (choked to death by compressing  throat by something).

 This ability  to choose  is popularly  called  'free will'. Peter  elaborates  further, suggesting  that  psyche ('which  breathes')  or soul (brain)  could  rationalize  against  lusts (e.g. of the body's sex organ)  when he said     "...fleshly lust  which  war  against  the soul  "   (IPeter 2:11).  Paul  connotes  this  'soul'  as  'mind'  when  he  testifies: "...another  law in  my members (organs), warring  against  the law  of my  mind,..."  - Romans 7: 23

   Likewise, Jeremiah suggests  that the nefesh (soul) can function the function of the brain-mind.

  "My soul still  remembers...This I  recall..."    - Lamentation 3:20,21

This categorical statement  in Lamentation 3:20  that   nephesh  or soul (brain)    could  remember  proves  what  knowledge  did ancient scriptural people had had.   The organ  of man  that breathes, i.e., nefesh (soul), can  remember.
   Literal  translation  of
Proverbs 23:7 a  (i.e. " For  as one  thinks  in his  soul,   so  is  he... ")

 proves that the king Solomon (r.972-c.932 BCE)  and, inevitably, his people  knew   that   ' in  nephesh  (head-brain)'   man  is thinking. Why  this statement  of the said  king-scientist  is important ?   Because  it suggests  that  we are what we think  or we exist  because  we think, and vice versa.   It is not surprising  because  his father, David  taught  that   'soul  knows  right  well '  (cf. Psalms 139:14).

(Psalms 107:9,18, numbers 21:4, Job 24:12, Psalms 143:6 & 124:4-5, Isaiah 32:6, Psalms 35:12,9, Deuteronomy 12:15, 20, Acts 3:23, job 24:12)

If  we  are  because  we think  or because  'man  thinks, so  is he,'   then

    WHERE     IS    THE     SELF   ?

  The question "Where exactly  'we'  are in the body? "  is simply  answered  by almost all  religions  as that  'we'  are immortal  being entirely  apart from and riding on and  controlling  the mortal  brain.
   However, ancient scriptural  people  have  a different  knowledge  about man.  King David  taught  to his kingdom  that  'certainly every man  at his  best  state  is but vapor,'  a  lie  or delusion (cf. Pslams 39:5, cf.  2Thessalonians 2:11, NKJV).
 Man  is a delusion,  some say  an illusion, lighter than vapor.

   "Surely men  of low degree are a vapor,  men  of high  degree are a lie;  If they are weighed  in the balances, they are altogether  lighter  than vapor "                           -  Psalms 62:9 (NKJV)
  " Men of low estate are but a breath, men of high estate are a delusion; in the balances they go up; they are together lighter than a breath "                                                        - Psalms 62:9  (RSV)

    When somebody  says  " I am out of   my mind, "  who is the self  - the  "I"  or the  "mind" ?  Whom that " I "  is referring to?  Is not  the "I"  subduing  the  "mind"  or the mind ruling over  the " I "  or  the self controlling the self ?  The  " I "  could be out of its  "mind".

      "... mindful...  visit... " 
  "...take knowledge of... "          - Psalms 8:4 & 144:3 (NKJV)

   Mind is a taking of knowledge  or  a visiting. It is the 'blindfoldedly'  visiting  on our  'switches' ('neurons')  in the brain  to control  'playback' (e.g. remembering, recalling),  'command'  (e.g. choosing'),  'emotion center(s)'  (e.g. feelings), associative neurons of reflexes (e.g. unconscious),  'reverberative  replays' (e.g. evaluating), and many more. This visiting (mind)  is done  of the unified  nascentiraptic Force (charges)  of the synapses.

  "...the imagination  of the thoughts ..."    - IChronicles 29:18 (KJV)

    Thoughts  are ways, devices, and plans  and, in the body, imply to the neural connections, centers of neurons, and detailed formulations  of a program  of  actions (e.g. designs, plots, schemes).

   "Behold, I know  your  thoughts, and the devices  which ye wrongfully  imagine  against me "   -  Job 21:27 KJV

   Thoughts  have    visualize or  imagine (formed mental image  of something  not present  to the senses). Where  the thoughts  or visualization  happen ?

   " I saw a dream  which  made me  afraid, and the thoughts  upon my  bed  and  the visions  of my  head  troubled  me "         -   Daniel 4:5 KJV

    Dream, thoughts, and  visions  happen  in  the head.
To  think is to device  or to plan, or to visit (mind)  the  thoughts (neural connections, centers of neurons, and detailed formulations of a program of actions).

   "Surely, as I have thought, so it shall come to pass, and as I have  purposed, so it shall stand: This  is the purpose  that is purposed...the hand  that is stretched  out  over all... "                  - Isaiah 14:24,26 (NKJV)

    Thinking  is  'coming to pass a purpose'  - a visiting  of the unified nascentiraptic Force  on thoughts  -  or  is stretching out the hand (power)  over  the neurons.
    How a purpose  can be  established  ?

 " without  counsel  purposes  are  disappointed:  but  in the multitude  of counsellers  they  are  established '  - Proverbs 15:22 KJV
  "Every purpose  is established  by  counsel: ... "  - proverbs 20:18

  What  is  a counsel ?
"...the words...the counsel... "   - Psalms 107:11

   The words-assembling  neurons  in the  different  locations  in the brain  establish  the purpose  (plan)  we think  as we  speak  mentally. Multitude of   'counsellers'  or centers  are involved  to establish a purpose (plan). The  hands  or 'branches' of  neurons  are stretched out  by  thinking, adding their  length  little by little as 'thinking'  is continuous. Thinking  has a collateral effect, it causes  the development,  increase, and enhancement of dendrites, telodendria (axon terminals), and apparently  of neurons.

Unified Nascentiraptic Force (charges)

Mind  is a visiting  on

Thinking  is a visiting  on thoughts

Thinking  is a visiting  of unified  nas-Force  on thoughts.

Kinds of  Thinking
   In an inborn deaf person, imagining  is possibly  the most active  kind of thinking. Feeling  touches  & speaking  mentally  are most apparent  kinds of thinking  for an inborn blind person, whereas an inborn deaf & blind person  uses  'feeling touches'  mentally  as  kind  of thinking.
  For  ordinary normal person  'speaking  mentally'  is  the usual  active  way  of thinking, making  his  speaking-generating  neurons  active.

   This  'thinking'  is what  we called  'self'  because  by it  we  can ask, imagine, compare, give  attention, recall, react, feel, command, evaluate, or interpret.  Traditionally  it is called  "mind", others  called it "interpreter",  and  Aristotle  called  it  "mind"  or "soul'.  But  there is a force  makes  'thinking'  functional  or possible, that is,  the nascentiraptic  Charges, also  called  'ruakh/pneuma (breath, wind, spirit)  of  mind.

     "Therefore  my anxious  thoughts  make me answer... ...and the ruakh (breath, spirit)  of my  understanding  causes  me to answer "                      - Job 20:23
     "... the spirit  of your mind "                                          - Ephesians 4:23

   We all know what are active  in this  ruakh (wind)  or pneuma (spirit,), the electrons  of molecular oxygen, if referring  to the  metabolic effect  "breath"   or electrons  of   sodium  ions,  if referring indirectly to effect of metabolism (or to  the electrochemical conduction).
    Mind or visiting  nas-Force  has active  electrons  (electric  charges).

   "Remember the days of old, consider  the years of many generations: ask thy father,..."   -  Deuteronomy 32:7

    The most remarkable feature of our thinking, to know ourselves who we are, is  the remembering  of our  past experiences. Without it, we cannot  know our selves in the past. And if we forget our experiences over and over again without any recall, we will forget what had happened to us from time to time. Imagine if your relatives and friends are introduced to you and telling you who they are and who you are over and over again.
   One of the famous examples to have problem partly similar to it was  H.M., who due to epilepsy had undergone an operation, removing both medial portion (where hippocampus is located) of his temporal lobe in 1953 when he was 27 years old. He could remember his past experiences except from two years ago to his present days because he had minor retrograde amnesia.However, he has a profound anterograde amnesia,  that is, he could not transfer new 'experiences' from short-term to long-term memory. To quote R.A. Baron:
       "  For example, he could not remember people he met even if he encountered them over and over again. When his family moved to a new home, he could not find his way back to it, even after months of practice. He could read the same magazine over and over again with continued enjoyment because as soon as he put it down, he forgot what it contained."  (Psychology 2nd edition, page 237. Boston: Allyn & Bacon/ read also: Further analysis of the hippocampal amnestic syndrome: 14-year follow up study of H.M.  Neuropsychologia, 6. 317-338, by B. Milner, S. Corkin, &  H.L. Teuter. 1968)

Human Virtual Memory

                           " . . . he being dead yet speaketh "
                                                                                      - Hebrews 11:4 (King James Version)

 An example of human virtual memory (HVM) was that had retained in Abel's blood (Genesis 4:10). By such a memory, a dead man can speak and show what autobiographical (full or fragment) memory he may have had. Give more or less 50 years from now, and our neuro-technicians can develop a human visual virtual memory (HVVM) storable in computer. Other HVM can also be produced if interfaces to receive brain signals for auditory (from temporal lobe), tactile (from parietal sensory cortex), olfactory (from brain smell center), gustatory (from brain taste center), 'emotion' (from amygdala), and so forth are invented.

 " Your remembrances  are like unto ashes, 
                                      your bodies to bodies of clay "
                                                                                                            - Job 13:12 (KJV)

 In ancient times, one way of 'replaying' or retrieving natural human virtual memory (NHVM) by 'chance' way is by whispering to the dust of dead on the ground; others by divination on the gall or by stone or crystal (cf. Isaiah 29:4, Joshua 24:27). In the dawn of modern era the living human brain itself of a person was used to do that by 'hypnotic regression' since atoms of molecules from carbohydrate (etc.) we ate might have few stuck (cohered) fragments of other human virtual memory -and so far, this technique (hypnotic regression) is apparently the easiest way to playback NHVM again and again to average people.
Another method is by electrical stimulation of a living person's brain.

(!936  photograph of ghostly cloud)

(picture taken by  Nokia 7250 cellphone camera)

 In Middle English days it was begun to be called 'ghost', which may mean 'breath' because some of them appeared by, as smoke-of-mouth-during-winter-season since they could affect air's temperature, probably by sudden splitting of air gas (e.g. nitrogen). (cf. Matthew 27:50) In ancient Greece it was called φάντασμα (phantasma), meaning 'ghostly apparition' (mentioned in the scriptures once, in Matthew 14:26). The word phantasma is a noun of phantazein, meaning 'to present to the mind' (middle voice, 'to imagine'), from phainein ('to show'). Theoretically, once our eyes & skin have detected it, our Alpobreña under brain alpha state will morph it and appear it in our vision clearer (sometimes with face and voice), even though a CCTV camera is synchrononously capturing it as a nucleus of independent cloud (smoke). That nucleus of independent cloud is also called 'dew' as the dew of malva (herbs), which when in a form (state) of fog appears as a cloud (cf. Isaiah 26:19, Micah 5:7).

(malva nicaeensis)
(malva sylvestris)

 One thing is possible, restless natural HVM retained in some air molecules can electrostatically influence other molecules. How to capture it by a container without fragmenting or liberating it from the molecules is an ambition we have to consider with so that we can study and learn from them how we can encode retrievable data (videographic, audiographic, etc.) on air's molecules (or how we can encode better retain-able infos on individual molecules). Electric charges may be used as a pen to encode infos on molecules by certain technique. Different odorous molecules give different smells, suggesting that there are various arrangement of beta photons or electrons in molecules to have such diverse effects (infos) we call odors.

    Physical   Body . . .

    Once a man or his body  died, he  can  know   not  any thing, neither  has  he any  more  a reward, for  his memory  is forgotten. Also his love, hatred, and envy is perished, neither  has  he any  more a portion for ever  on any thing that is done under the sun, for  there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor  wisdom in the death whither  he goes, because wisdom shall die with him, his ghost (breath) goes forth;  he returns  to his  earth, as his soul   dies   and cleaves  unto  the dust, in that  very  day  his thoughts and all memory  perish, and  he may rest  from  his  labors and his works  do follow  him. (cf. Ecclesiastes 9:5,6,10, job 17:2, Psalms 146:4, Isaiah 26:14, Ezekiel 18:4, Psalms 119:25, Revelation 14:13, Isaiah 38:18,  King James Version)

     " ... the body   without  the     pneuma  (breath, wind,  spirit)
                                                       is   dead ... "             -   James  2:26

    Dead  is  defined  breath-less, 'sleep',  'silence,'  'forgotten; '   and  to  'die'  means  'to  vanish  away  like  smoke, to wax  old  like  a  garment,'  to waste  away  and  give  up  the ghost  (breath).  Psalms  104:29, john 11:11-14, Acts 13:36, Psalms 115:17   &    31:12     &     6:5,   Isaiah 51:6,  Job  14:10.
      Clinically, there are two  major classes  of sleep:
   1)  Sleep  of  rest   -  is  the usual  resting  of a  living   organism  .
   2)  Sleep  of death   -  is  the sleep  of  a dead  body.
      (  John 11:13  ,    Psalms  13:3  KJV  )

      There    is no difference  between  sleep of rest  and of  death  except  the  condition  of the brain  and body. In  the former, body  is  reorganizing  its  contents  and continuously  emitting  brain rhythms, whereas  in  the latter  the body  is  disintegrating  its contents  and  the brain  has  stopped  functioning.
   Human  autobiographical  memory  is stopped  during  ordinary  sleep,  but  can  be  played  again  once  the body  is ready  or in its   awake state.  Beside  to neurons'  atoms, human  memory  can be  interfacingly stored  into  electronic memory.
     Nevertheless, it  suggests  that  human  virtual  memory  being  stored  in  electric  medium  can be  a  future  'instrument'   to  bring  back  to  life  a person,  if interfacing  silicon-based  being's body is invented (so that  the first  part  of life  was  that  of the  carbon-based  body  and the second part will be of the  silicon-based body).
    It is  the body  will give  chance  for  the   HVM   how  long  it will  live alive.

 If  eternal  or  incorruptible  body  is invented,
                                                                        the   HVM   can live  alive  for ever.

Monday, February 4, 2013


   We are familiar with the computer. And it is very uncalled-for  if we hear a man declaring with UNCERTAINTY  that the computer is  not an INVENTION  and does not have a  PURPOSE  and that  it has  existed  without  any  REASON.
   And yet, computer  is too crude and simple  as compared to the human  brain.

    Now, is the most  complicated machine -i.e.  human brain-  an invention  or not ?   does  it have  a reason why it exists ?  And  does  it have  a purpose ?
   Yes, human brain  is the most complicated  invention ever-ly invented, perfected through  nature, and we can have it freely.  And this invention  is engineered  not from  big raw materials  but from molecular ones -the DNA & RNA- which are a voluminous collection of nature's books or encyclopedias, complete with instructions, present and not present.

   The Inventor  of this  invention is the One who invented  nature  or  nature's materials. He did not  use  literal  hands to invent nature's inventions but  the do-not-appearing-things of His  eternal power &  Godhead. His  active power to have  'nature'  is but  the light, which is made of quanta, which are composed of photons. These do not appearing things can make visible  the created objects because all objects are made up of subatomic particles, which are absolutely composed of gamma photons, 'for whatever makes manifest is light'  because  'all things that are exposed are manifest  by  light' .  He  'is light  and in Him is no darkness at all'  and 'with  whom there is no variation or shadow of turning'.  He  forms the light  and creates  darkness  and, therefore,  this  Light  is  'the Father of lights.'  (cf. Ephesians 5:13, Hebrews 11:3, Romans 1:20; IJohn 1:5, James 1:17)

   With the photons it can be possible to predetermine the formation of living things, simply because organic and inorganic chemicals -even the raw materials for living organisms-  are created  by the explosion  of supernovaeone, nebulareone, or star. Amino acids -both the right & left handed- are naturally created by various means, one of which  is by  the fragments of star's (or sun's) planetisimal period of explosion.

     " My frame was not  hidden from  You, When  I  was  made  in  secret, and  skillfully wrought  in the lowest  parts of the earth.  your  eyes saw  my  substance, being  yet  uniformed. and in  Your book  they all were written,   The days  fashioned  for me, When as  yet  there were none  of them. how  precious also are your  thoughts  to me, O  God!  How great  is the sum  of them! "        -  Psalms 139:15-17 (NKJV)

    Gaseous atoms  and molecules  are naturally created  by converting  the  gamma photons  into heavier and heavier subatomic particles, and  rutherfically  fusing and fissioning  nucleons by  the activities  inside  the  star (e.g. our Sun). water  is naturally created  by burning  hydrogen  in the  oxygen.
    When the earth  was created and hanged  upon nothing in its circle or orbit, both  dead and living  DNA  & RNA  trembled  because the power -destructive & constructive- which has word was  uttered. (cf. Job 26:4-7)   DNA   molecules  are natural replicating  molecular machines, attracting protein molecules  and producing  enzymes.
   It would  take time before  the various catalytic clay, rocks, and substances, and metals formed  DNA, RNA, and protein. Imagine a proto-earth with a sticky crust because its upper layer was teeming with amino acids, phosphates, bases, and RNA ?  The tendency  would be, later or sooner,  a pangea, panthalassa and air with a bountiful variety of organisms as DNA molecules were gun here and there as meteorological and geological activities fired those molecules from and to every place on the crust.
    This may corroborate  the declaration  of an ancient king-scientist that  "all (living creatures)  are from  the dust"  -where  dust refers  to elements. To short cut, man was ' wrought  in the  lowest parts of the earth' .  It would  have first  animals  or beasts. And as far as breath, physical constitution, and death  are concerned, the estate of the sons of men  are  ANIMAL  or beast. (cf. Ecclesiastes 3:18-21, 20, Psalms 139:15)  The first male and female man were not rational -they didn't know 'good & evil'  the way we know it today.  It was in a certain part of Israel, in the location of the empire-sized Eden, that the first rational  human  beings had existed -and discovered by  modern scientists. certain chemicals  from certain plant enhanced the growth  of brain cells into their full maturity -  10  or  up to 120  years  matured than  monkey's, although  brain's development  is not dependent  on that chemical  enhancer.
   Nonetheless, man , monkeys, animals, plants, all other  creatures, and even  our planet  are  come from the dust.
    Monkey's or Orangutan's brain cells, even at the chronological  age of 30 years, are as immature as  1  year  or 2 years old human baby's brain cells.  Dolphins and dogs have  brain cells more matured  than  monkey's, but they don't have man's vocal cords  and man's hands to easily prove the level of their  rationality.
    If the processes  that had occurred  on the planet earth to form  human  beings  is  similar  to other  Universe's stellar-planetary systems, then it is possible  that there are other  'creature'  or other  'worlds'  or other  'worshiping sons'     on other  stars at divers times or distances in the Universe.

    "...  the  worlds   were  framed  by the  word  of  God,  so that  things   which  are  seen  were not  made of things   which  do  appear  "                                                  -  Hebrews 11:3 (KJV)

     Those    '  WORLDS'    in the   heavens   (Universe)   have     VISIBLE   thrones,  dominions, principalities, and  powers; as well as the invisible, whether  above  or below  the horizon  of the planet  Earth.  (cf.  Colossians  1:16, Romans 8:19-23,39).
     Water  or liquids  are not  a monopoly of the planet  Earth  because  even   'above  the heavens'  - nebulae and galaxies-  water  is literally existing, many of which are bigger  than the  size  of our  Solar  System. (cf. Psalms 148:4)
(Illustration: Milde Science Communications/HST Archive  data/ CFHT/J-C Cuillandre/Coelum)
Water detected with its maser emission from a  galaxy.

    Never  in the  Scriptures  that  a spirit messenger (  wind angel )   is being called   'son'   of the Father, and yet  other   worshipers  in the  heavens  or Universe  are  called   'sons',  and even during  the founding  of the  earth  there  are   " sons "   that  shouted   for  joy. (cf. Hebrews 1:5,  Job 38:4-7)  This is an intergalactic faith  in which   the worshipers  know that  sometime  in the past &  future  other   'worlds'   or  sons-inhabited  planets or  morning star  were   & will be founded  in the  heavens. they  may have  universal measurements:  say, for   length  (L)  is the  diameter  of the hydrogen atom,  and for  time (T)  is the distance of the  hydrogen atom's diameter expended  in the  velocity  of white  visible  light.
  All these   'sons'   have  brain,  made up  of   brain  cells  and  brain chemicals.  Every  part  of the brain  has  a reason  why it exists.
Graphic Illustration of Neuron Forest
(Image Source)
Neurons  in the  central nervous system (CNS)  are called  'brain cells", whereas  in the peripheral nervous system (PNS)  are  'sensory neurons" (or neuroreceptors).
    Neuron serve  as switch, relay, wire and, in the brain,  as a computer, containing  memory (or molecular storage media), and it is  composed  of a soma (body), and processes"  dendrites (branches), axon (cord), and  telondendria (axon terminals or electrodes). Its  nucleus (central region  is made  up  of nucleoprotein (storage material). The soma (cellular body) is composed of carbohydrate (glucose), phosphates, vitamins, amino acids, and potassium (K+) ions (upper storage materials), whereas the myelin sheath is made of soft white lipids, sphingosine, and A1 protein.

    In  the CNS, brain cell is functioning  as  an integrated circuit (electronic  IC)  with up to thousands of wirings.
     Neurons of sense  organs, however, are modified version  of brain cells.  Sensory  neurons  are exposed brain receiving stimuli instead of neurotransmitters. Consciousness exists  in the sensory neuron, whereas  mind & realization  exist on/ in the  brain cell.
   Each  sensory-connected  brain cell realize a tiny consciousness. Hundreds of millions of such brain cells (and consciousnesses)  are needed to be interconnected properly and unified to have a single type  of consciousness. All types of consciousness are the visual (seeing), auditory (hearing), tactile (touch), gustatory (taste), olfactory (smell), vomeronasal (probably, alluring), kinesthetic & vestibular (movement & balancing), and some unnamed senses. Gustatory consciousness is even divided into several kinds (e.g. salty, sweet, sour, and bitter), whereas tactile consciousness into pain, hotness, coldness, pressure, stretch or vibration, and continuous touch. Technically speaking,if each sensory neuroreceptor is sending a consciousness,  a CONSCIOUS SELF   is composed of hundreds of millions of consciousnesses unified in the brain by means of proper interconnections. Brain cells are interconnected, 1st for a particular type of consciousness, 2nd stage for the kinds of the type, 3rd for the voluntary motor control, and so on.  Double or many literal minds may exist in a brain -      with one major voluntary-controlling  mind     -   if wrong  connection exists, as in the case of  schizophrenia.

    Mind in the brain  cannot see the electrochemical impulses  or enzymes  in the brain  simply  because  it detects  nascentiraptic charges  collectively  the way  we detect (view)  scene or video  on the  computer/TV  screen. If  mind  (controlling Force)  cannot  willfully   control  synaptic enzymes and telodendrial impulses, how then  it can  'blindfolded-ly'  control  them ?   By  consciousness!  Yes,  by consciousness in the  neuroreceptors  of the sense organ. Since  'mind'  cannot  see the neuronal switches in brain, it will have to find a mean/way  to control  the target  voluntary organ or, blindfolded-ly, the impulses & enzymes. As what I had  experienced in my  babyhood days, I had   no idea  that I have  hands, feet, and body  that  was why  I could not perfectly control  my body. First, the mind  must know  that the  targeted  organ (e.g.  ear's muscle)  is part of its body. Second, the mind must receive  sensation (touch, or kenisthesia)  from  the targeted  organ, and third  it must try to move it (even without knowledge how to turn its 'switch' on  in  the brain). By  trying or thinking  to move  the voluntary  organ, the mind in the thalamus will send signals   to the sensory  cortex which will possibly exert charges that can  form  threshold impulses  and those  impulses will branch  into  the nearest motor cortex connected to it. Mind is unknowingly producing the the impulses which will turn the switches on for the targeted organ.
    But how mind can blindfolded-ly produce  impulses ?  Two facts  are inevitably, simultaneously involved:  the maintaining  electrochemical  circuit (current)  in  the living  brain  and  mind  is watching.
Watching  MIND
    The  nascentiraptic  controlling  Force  (mind)  is watching  through  senses  and  replays. This nas-Charges (mind)  has  an umbra (focus)  and  penumbra (unvividly) and can move  from  one place to another (or many places) or from many places to another  in the brain  via  interconnection of the brain cells and initially originating from the traffic system of the thalamus.

Maintaining  Brain  Current

      The  gate (switches)  for Waking Up  System  is the  reticular formation.  There is a necessary level of impulses to pass this gate and that  level  is the  'threshold'  level. When  eyes  and/or  ears  are  receiving  enough  amount  of  visible light  and sound  disturbances, respectively, the produce impulses  are inevitably  at threshold  level.  Technically, the optic neuroreceptors' impulses  or auditory  impulses  branch  into   various  regions  of the brain, including  in  the suprachiasmatic  nucleus of the midbrain.  Their  impulses passing  in the  suprachiasmatic nucleus will inhibit  the pineal gland  to produce melatonin (or at least  reduce  its formation).
      In reverse   condition, if  there's  no sound  & visual  electrochemical  impulses are running  in the said  midbrain's  nucleus, the pineal gland  will secrete (issue)  the vertebrate  hormone  melatonin. As this  hormone  journeys  throughout the body, the part it will have reached  feels  fatigue. This  signal  of fatigue  will need  inactivity or relaxation, which is  partly  a mental  function  (e.g. exerting  serotonergic-level  charges).  The received  stimulus  in the skin  & muscle  will reduce its influence of creating impulses. As the stimulus'  influence  declines, the produced  neuro-electrochemical  impulses  reduce, too,  until  no enough  threshold  impulses can pass  in the Gate  of Waking up System: meaning, the weak impulses cannot reach the  thalamus, hippocampus, hypothalamic mammillary bodies, and cortex via  formatio reticularis. Only impulses  from  autonomic (or involuntary) organs (e.g. heartbeats, lungs' and diaphragm's expanding-contracting)  are circulating  in the brain. Without  consciousnesses'  neuroelectrochemical  impulses, no  conscious mind (nas-Force), of course, and  the Conscious-self  is stopped  or none.  What  remains  is the  minimum  maintaining electrochemical circuit (current)  in the living brain.  Its  voltage  goes  high  per second   continuously.

    The  nascentiraptic Force  (charges) of  the replays  can  select  the high  or  the low, the serotonergic level or the  cholinergic level.  Theoretically, there  are two levels of maintaining minimum  brain  current, i.e., the serotonergic  and cholinergic levels. These levels of charges  are alternating-ly passing  in the  watching  nascentiraptic  Force. Once  the nas-Force  attaches  on the  cholinergic level, enzyme  choline acetylase around  the brain  cells will be attracted  to gather  acetyl CoA  and  cholines, synthesizing  (combining  them to  form  into)  acetylcholine. Electrochemical  activity  in the cerebral  cortex  hightens  as the neurotransmitter  acetylcholine  increases.
   There are  three (3) major levels of nascentiraptic Charges (mind) in the brain:  the  lower, serotonergic; the middle, cholinergic; and the  higher, adrenergic.
  Memory  (replays or stored infos) elevates the nascentiraptic level.

    Memory, inevitably  replays, has something  to do  with  the elevation  of the  nas-Charges  from  cholinergic to  adrenergic  level  (and if correct, from  serotonergic to cholinergic  level).
    The eyes, seeing  a fearful  sight, will send impulses into  the optic  chiasma (OC), thalamus, hypothalamus, and  memory  system.
     After  confirming  in the replays of experiences or ideas  that it is  a  dangerous  event, the  charges  of the Mind  will elevate  from  cholinergic  to adrenergic  level.
    Charges  from  thalamus'  neurons will stimulate  the cuproenzyme  or dopamine-beta-hydroxylase  to combine  oxygen with  dopamine, forming  norepinephrine. Other  thalamic impulses  from  dorsomedial  neurons  will branch  into  the posterior  hypothalamic  nucleus (PHN),  which has nerves (wires)  connected to the heart. Other impulses  from  PHN  will branch  into  the nerve  of the  adrenal  medulla and will stimulate  the chromoffin  cells there  to  produce adrenaline (epinephrine) by synthesizing  tyrosine  or dopa  to form into norepinephrine, then  the latter  into  adrenaline. Adrenal medulla  augments  the  adrenaline, which  is secreted  (released)  into  the blood vessels  and  transported  throughout the body.  Adrenaline  can mobilize  glycogen (food of cells)  and  can  increase  the oxygen  consumption  & blood  flow, and  can speed up  the heart rate.
   Mind itself  cannot  control  voluntary  organ (as in  comatose)  if synapses, dendrites, or telodendria in certain portion of the auditory  system  or thalamus  are dislocated  or hindered.
    Continuous  sound impulses passing  in the auditory system may enter  the anterior temporal lobe  and pass  the neurons  there  that  facilitate  the purposive  & purposeful act, and then the medial  surface's neurons that involved in the cognition of visual, audio, and apparently  tactile (touch), and  then  neurons  in region near  the uncus area that will branch  into  the neurons of thalamus.
    Another way  to  control a voluntary  organ, the tactile conscious Mind  in the parietal sensory  brain cells must send impulses  into  the thalamus' ventralis posterior (VP), which  may  branch  into  the lateral  ventral  nucleus (NLV)  and to  the anterior  nucleus (AN) of the thalamus.  The AN  neurons  will then branch  the impulses  into  the anterior cingulate gyrus. Anterior  cingulate  motor neurons are primarily  involved  in the  junction  between  the tactile  conscious  Mind  and  switching on of the  motor  voluntary organs. Once (tactile) conscious Mind  try to  move an organ, the anterior  cingulate  neurons  or the lateral  ventral  nucleus (NLV)  neurons  will elevate their level  from serotonergic  to cholinergic.


        "Free will"  is a form  of reflex.  It operates by replaying (asking)  previous recorded experiences  or combining recorded experiences or ideas to form a new one.  To choose  what  to visualize or imagine  is a 'free will' act  based  on the replays of recorded  infos  or deducted or inducted from other ideas. However, it is not free to the idea that has no previous record from other previous ideas. For an instance, we have no free will to visualize how the 'vacuum Nothingness' originated.  Whatever we do, we cannot choose any previous recorded experiences or ideas or combining them  to know  by visualization  how  the  absolute  'Somethingness'  and 'Nothingness'   originated  or have started.   This  proves that our  'free will' to visualize (imagine)  is no effect  in the origination  of the  absolute  'Somethingness' &  'Nothingness'.  The same is true  for moving a voluntary organ.  Almost  all people  cannot  move  a muscle  of their ears.  however, by  an ardent  continuous  trying to move it, a person  can  develop neural connection  in the motor cortex, cingulate gyrus, and sensory for the moving of the ear's muscle.  Another typical example, at first a boy does not know how to ride and run a bicycle, but by repetitious practice his kinesthetic & vestibular systemsafter forming neural  connection in the cerebellum, one day he will learn how to run a bike.


        Our  'free will'  can  avail what is  ready to be chosen. It is  based on the fact  that we can freely  will to recall past events we have known; but if our replaying system  in the brain  does not find a clue or idea to  'open' (replay)  a chosen recorded event, we cannot  recall it. Whatever  you do, for an instance, you cannot remember what had happened to you last  3 years, 2 months, 1 day & 18 hours ago  unless (1)  you were conscious aware during that time and (2) you've gotten  an 'idea'  or 'key'  to replay  the recorded experienced  during that time. we cannot 'will' to recall what had happened to us when we were 11 months & 12 days 'old' unless we opened it by a clue  or key.

       In  1990, my  close friend  James  went back  to his native  town, Bicol (Philippines), to live there.
Ten years after,   a  young  man  drew near to me  and asked if I knew a certain  'Allan Poe Redoña'.
I was shocked, and pondering in my mind, and answered him by this  question" "Why do you know Allan Redoña?  Who  are  you? "
       James  said he was  Allan Redoña's classmate during elementary.  After that conversation, being confused, I went home thinking who was that 'James'  and  in what particular  days that we became classmates.  Whatever I did, I couldn't recall him - his face, his person, his relationship to me, and anything about him.
      Until  one day of pondering, I remembered  another guy,Roel Yamba- a naughty classmate  of mine-  and  by him I recalled  that  I had had trouble because Roel  had threatened James. From that opening  'key' or clue, I remembered  everything  about  James until  I found out that James was, in fact, my very close  friend.
      This is an example  of  'free will'  to  avail what  is ready to be chosen  and what is already learned or previously recorded.


      Serotonergic, cholinergic, and adrenergic levels  are already  in the brain.  Hearing, seeing, feeling, smelling, tasting, balancing, alluring, and replaying realizations  are ready  in the brain. What  the watching  Mind  'will'    do is to  'switch  on'  what  gets  its (mind's) attention.  Mind  is automatically  attracted  on what  gets  its attention, and when  attracted  it attaches  on that 'attention getter'  - combining  the  Mind's charges  and the synapses'  charges, elevating  the charges  and attracting  more  enzyme  and/or  neurotransmitter there.
     Mind is in the entire  brain. since it is made  of charges, this nas-Force (charges) will only affect  or influence  the charges  of the enzyme or neurotransmitter in the nascentirapse.
     The ability  of Mind  to 'focus'  starts  the  'free will'  and the ability  of Mind  to move  from  one (or many regions) to another (or many places) gives  this  'focus'  possible.
     We can easily understand  'focus'  by comparing  it to  the dial of an ampere-meter. The dial points  to 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 (in which, 9 is the highest or the full focus) depending  on the amount of charges that  runs in the said meter's electromagnet. thus, the ratio between  'focus' and 'amount of charges'  is equal. as the charges  elevate, the 'focus'  intensifies, too.

    There is an automatic replay in the brain, that is,  the On the Spot Replaying  -or technically, the reuptaking of the neurotransmitters  around  the synapses. Synapses  are a place where  the nascentiraptic Force (charges)  or mind  starts to control  molecules. Nas-Force  from  nascentirapse starts to change  from serotonergic to cholinergic and to adrenergic level. This  'will'  starts  from  within  the  nascentiraptic  charges, from within  the unified field  master entities,  from inside  the tenderic  charges, from  within  the  Creator  of the  charges.
                                                                              -    Allan Poe Bona Redoña,
                                                                                   February 08, 2013

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